Day before Departure

No matter how much trip prep gets done in advance, the day before we leave is always a hot mess. This trip was no different.

In the four days before we left, Cali finished school, got her driver’s permit, and earned  her Open Water scuba certification. Madi returned from Nicaragua, squeezed in another trip with friends to NYC, and caught up on her two online courses. Kier’s still in the thick of a condensed summer course on campus, while writing a coding curriculum for her new job. She met with her employers so she can work remotely for the summer. I updated doggie’s Bordetella shot so he’s kennel ready, and  sorted out all the Visa requirements. Paul booked fights and hotels, and printed off proof of onward travel.

Here are a few snaps from the mad scramble.

Last day of school.


Last day of school gelato!


Celebrating the end of everyone’s school year in Cali’s favorite pizza place Pomodoros.


Open water certification weekend.


Foster doggie #27, Aldo goes to his new home.

Madi returns from a week in NYC.


She brought me Timmies from Manhattan!

Cali gets her driver’s permit.

While Kier was at her Apple appt saving her hard drive, Paul picked up Cali from the scuba shop, Madi caught up on her online courses, I got a quiet eye-of-the-hurricane calm moment on Lincoln Road, South Beach. I reworked my to-do list–time to sprint to the finish.