The Cat Cafe and Tattoo Translation

Family Travel Costa Rica

Day 32Family Travel Costa Rica

31. Kier and I rode around town to look for schools for Cali. We are still trying to adjust to no addresses. We found the public school but were told that the July break which was originally until July 5 is now until July 20. The man at the gate wasn’t eager to let us in. Then when he did he said to take off our sunglasses to the security camera can get a good shot of us. Uh, ok. We promise not to steal a desk on our bicycle. Only two women who work in the office were there and they told us to return on the 20th.

Paul, Kier and I grabbed some nachos for lunch to talk about the school options, when the waiter asked us a question. He wanted the English translation for a Spanish phrase which literally is, “Never go away from me, not in the day and not in the night.” This is what we started with, it was word for word. We asked what it was for, assuming it was for some love note for an English speaking love interest. He said it was going to be a tattoo and he was taking about God. Well that changes things. We changed our translation to, “Stay/Be with me always, (day and night) .” Context is everything.

We walked down the beach to find some supper. We found a place that is always full ot ticos, always a good sign. Mosquitoes were just munching on our legs. One of the girls was desperate asked the waiter if they had any spray. He just looked at her blankly. Which means no. The girls inhaled their food while swatting their legs, it was a short meal.

While we were waiting for our check, three cats came and sat, one cat per table. No one shoo-ed them away, so clearly they’re allowed.

Animal count for this meal: 3 cats and a band of hungry mosquitoes.

Family Travel Costa Rica