Tortuga Love

Family Travel Canada

Kids often develop a fondness for a certain ocean animal, like sharks, dolphins, sunfish, starfish. Our girls were drawn to turtles, you know for their cuddliness and overwhelming extroverted personalities.

We do occasionally step up to the plate, parentally speaking, and wanted to find ways the girls could expand their
interactions with their little ocean favorites.

When we lived in Guatemala we heard of a turtle sanctuary in the small coastal town of Monterrico on the Pacific. We borrowed a car and made plans to attend the Tortuga
Festival. Perfect.

The beach was a black sand beach due to the proximity of volcanoes. A stunner as far as black beaches go. But the surf was so violent that it was almost too dangerous to enter, and has been known to snatch people off the beach without leaving a trace. The waves were relentless thundering deathtraps. I practically had our youngest on a leash.

The tortuga festival was more internet marketing than actual event. Happens. But it still brought us to the turtles, which was all that mattered to the girls. We paid $6 to release each baby turtlet into the ocean at sunset. The girls watched in blissful trances as their little adopted darlings scooted toward their freedom (and likely demise). Oh the adorable circle of life.

When we moved to Florida we found a beach a few minutes from our house where the girls can volunteer to continue their turtle interest. The love affair continues.