Graduation Speech from One Sister to Another

Living in Guatemala

Kier graduated from high school in June, the first graduating class of Panajachel Collegio International. At the ceremony each of the graduates had a sibling talk about them. This were Madi’s (14) comments about her sister:

I’ve had the honor of knowing Kier since the day I was born. She was responsible even then and didn’t drop me on the floor. Now that we are older I’ve learned that not only does my sister have skills not dropping newborn babies, but she is also hilariously funny, she’s really independent, a crazy adventurer, and someone who likes to help others.

Whatever Kier decides to do, she likes to be the best at it, whether it’s dancing competitively, playing the piano, curling, skiing, or decorating a door for a competition. She’s been in more plays and musicals than I can count and got into the Guinness book of world records when she was 12.

Kier loves to have fun, and people are drawn to her like a magnet. Back home, I remember how she was always at the center of all things social, at her school, our church, and at any camp she ever went to. You were the one organizing the pranks, the parties, the next event. There were always people packed in your room laughing their heads off and about 8 people staying over at our house every Saturday night. You were the queen organizer and everyone wanted to be around you.

I’ve always admired how independent you are, how you don’t care what anyone else thinks, and how you never had to be part of a girl clique. You don’t backstab or put other people down, even in private. You were never a follower and I like how you never cared about popularity. You stick up for people who are being picked on, and you don’t cave in to what other people think, you stay true to yourself. Never change that.

I don’t think the purpose of life is only to be happy in one’s own little world. I think it is important to be useful, to be compassionate, to matter and to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you existed. You’ve never been the typical self-centered girl because you’re a natural giver, whether it’s getting preventative medicine for all your kids in the school where you are teaching in Jucanya, building houses in Costa Rica, working in a medical clinic in Honduras, or in a leprosay colony in Paraguay, Kier is always drawn to help other people. Kier has already made a difference to so many people, and I have no doubt she will continue make an difference in the world, because her heart has always been so big.

Kier, your life, because of who you are, already has meaning. I know you’re ready for the world and the world is lucky to have you in it.

Kier has always loved adventure, that’s how we ended up in Guatemala in the first place. She has already been to 32 countries and I’m sure she won’t stop travelling until she’s seen every corner of this world that she wants to see.

Albert Einstein said, “There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Kier, you will always be one of those miracles to your family and your close friends.

Kier, I know you will make everything happen in your life that you dream of. You’ll have an amazing career, you will help lots of people, you will get that sailboat, and you will see all the places in the world you want to see like Greece and scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef. We are all going to miss Kier dearly, and congratulate those who will get to know you in the future.