Gastronomic Blame and No Tuk, Troubles

Family Travel Guatemala

I was up with tummy troubles most of the night. Sounds better than what was actually going on, which could be more accurately described as the raging runs. Here, with any stomach ache comes the speculation of what caused it. It’s what we do. When you hear friends talking and one person will say they’ve been sick, the other will almost always counter with the question of, “What was it that you ate?” Thanks for asking. For me it could have either been the ceasar salad I had in the city, or the Antigua McChicken. I always want a definitive answer as to what caused it, a way of focusing the gastronomical blame. But in the end, it’s always wild speculation. I’m blaming the McPollo because it makes me feel better.

Cali was off to school, then I went to pick Madi up at the boat. She had to come home from her sleepover at 9 am because they had play practice at 10, and a performance at 2:30. Madi went for play practice and was at the school until almost 5pm.

I spent the day with my friend. I didn’t see her as often while Paul was here. First we went to Sandras. That’s a little store that has three tables out in front to have tea and pastries that they sell. She was trying to teach me to sing a Spanish song. I don’t know why she was so determined. When we finished doing that, we met our other friend on the street who is moving. She wanted to show us the house she is moving into, so we walked with her. Only problem was we couldn’t find the landlord anywhere. We found out he lives in Honduras. Well, that would explain it.

I got a call from Cali’s school that our tuk driver Tomas did not pick her up and she was still waiting. This has happened a couple of times before, so the school isn’t impressed. Neither is Cali because she feels the school gets angry with her, when it’s not her fault. I called and he did go to pick her up then. I’ll need to address it.

My friend came over and we watched the Count of Monte Cristo. I’d just finished reading the book. Since English is her second language, she was having a lot of trouble keeping up with the story. I did my best to explain it. We walked back into town to get Cali. When I picked her up from the family’s house (they are also our tuk drivers) I reminded them if they can’t pick her up for some reason, please call me. They said they doing something and lost track of time. Since we were talking about time, I also asked if they could come a little earlier because she’s never on time to school. It stresses Cali out to be late everyday. We will see if it makes a difference.

I took both girls to rent a movie. We had another thunderstorm in the evening. The electricity stayed on, so we did manage to have our movie night. The girls slept on the first floor, since Kier is still in Honduras. We are looking forward to having her back.