3 Milk Cake and Doggie Pinata

Today was operation, get back to Pana-normal, not to be confused with Para-normal, although sometimes not far from it.

With my lice-paranoia skills, I trussed up Cali’s hair in a snug little bun, and sent her to school, fingers crossed.

Paul and I gathered up the laundry and took it up. When we got there they told us they didn’t have water in the whole complex. There were baskets of laundry in a little row, waiting their turn for the water to come back on.

Family Travel Guatemala

At ten we walked up to Cali’s school for her friend’s birthday party. Cali and her friend had a big program they planned to perform, but that didn’t happen. Perhaps we’ll have to give us a private show on the weekend. The cakes they have here for birthdays are usually large round ones, like a bottom layer of a wedding cake. They also have a unique way of cutting them. First they cut a generous circle in the middle, then slices coming out from the circle. Everyone cuts them this way.

You may have heard of a three cheese pizza, but that doesn’t hold a candle to the three milk cake we had. That’s right. I’m just wondering if that means they used goat milk, cow milk, and what would be the third? Paul was hoping it meant skim, 2%, and whole, all from a cow. The cake was moist to the point of dripping. They probably could have stopped at 2 milks.

We talked with the mom about the situation in Venezuela, which is where she was born. Lots of problems happening there.

We stopped by the market on the way back into town. We are going through about a pineapple every couple of days. Great snack and for lunches.

We made our way back into town and saw a small man who had disfigured legs. So he was scooting down the street mostly on his hands. Paul and I both agreed it was one of the most heart-breaking things we’ve seen here. There was a dog who barked at him and looked like he was going to bite him, but the owner quickly called him off. Paul gave him Qs for… whatever.

When we got into town, we sat at the Patio and had a drink. A retired teacher from BC, who Paul had spoken to the day before, joined us. He was travelled around trying to find a place to live during the colder months. He lives on some island that is extremely artsy, but I can’t rememer the name. He loves Pana and is now looking to buy a house here. This place is a magnet.

After we sat there for a good two hours, we went to the hardware store to pick up a few items for the house. Paul got some extra cable for the tv so we can shift around the living room, for our increased viewing pleasure. It’s all about the positioning of the tv, even if it is only a 27″. You work with whatever size screen you have. A guy thing, I’m convinced.

Paul and I rode over to pick up Cali from the family, then went to PanaSuper to get wine, spices, and peanut M&Ms. Paul went to work out at the gym and took a bike ride. When he got back he said he wasn’t feeling right. He wasn’t sure if it was the empanadas from church or the 3-milk cake. Four of us from our family ate the empanadas and three of us at the cake. We will probably be able to narrow down the culprit food depending on who else does or doesn’t get sick. Right now he is in rough shape.

The older two girls had play practice after school. They also had a birthday at their school, but theirs came with a dog pinata. Cali was miffed.

Kier went out to watch a movie, Madi had a lot of homework to complete. We watched Under the Tuscan Sun.

Mia, we can’t find the hammer. Do you know where it is?

Cali’s frog blog: Today I had lots and lots of fun. But before I start I must tell you about my wonderful uncle Johnny who bought me a fan and then a beautiful beaded lizard. I not only love my uncle, I love my aunt, and I love my cousin. But just for a moment let me tell you what I like about my uncle. He is very generous and funny. He is very good at origami things. Oh, and by the way Johnny. Could you send me an email with instructions on how to fold a penguin with a flower in its mouth? You can send a picture at the end. Maybe a skype lesson would be much easier. So Johnny, I was telling you why you are so special. You are kind and very generous to me, that’s why I love my uncle. Did I mention that you are always very nice to me and that makes me very happy? Let me know if there is anything I can do to make you as happy as you have made me by getting me the pink beaded lizard. Oh, but it can’t be embarassing to me, and I won’t eat disgusting food. I would make you a gingerbread house on your birthday if you want that. Now that is something I can do.  I can also make it a surprise for you, but you’ll have to forget I already told you about it. That is all my thanks for right now.

Now, back to the news. Today I went back to school. People were happy to see me, even the boys. At school we had my friend’s birthday party. Her mom and her babysitter came to throw the party. I had a tamale because they always seem to have those at parties. My mom and dad came and had cake. There is a boy in my class who loves my friend. He gave her a perfume bottle with a bear on it that said on its chest, “Mi amore.” The perfume smelled really good, and he also bought her three lip glosses. But she said I gave her the best present she has every gotten. Maybe that was because dad brought it all the way from Canada. Then another guy bought her socks. The also got a brat doll with her socks. She also got designer hairbands and elastics. From a girl she got a hula girl that can sing and dance that you can put her in your car, but they don’t have a car. Before we all left school, my teacher checked all of us for lice again. I’m still don’t have any bugs in my hair. Everyone of us who was at school doesn’t have it any more. There is one person who didn’t come to school, so he will have to be checked when she gets back. This will make my mom very happy and maybe I won’t have to wear crazy hair to school every day, becasue I told her I am very careful.

Then I went to the family’s house after school. We made tortillas. We had cheese and ham on them today, that has never happened before. Then we played on the swing. They bought me a sucker at the store even though I didn’t ask for anything. It costs 6Qs. I should probably take my own money there. Then dad came to pick me up and I rode home on the back of Mommy’s bike. That was my day today. I don’t have any homework because they are doing testing at school. We learned the Oh Guatemala song and it is 10 minutes long. I guess that means they all love their country very much. I made up a song for them in Spanish and it sounds just like Oh Canada.

When I got home I had to wash my feel because they were black up to my ankles. I also put slices of cheese and turkey on my hot tortillas and had that for supper. Oh it was a very very good day. P.S. I love you all very much.