Birthday Show and Bouquet of Radishes

Family Travel Guatemala

When the girls woke up they each told me Happy Birthday, which was impressive (seeing as Paul wasn’t here to remind them). Cali’s tuk tuk didn’t come, so I had to call them. Kier had a hard time waking up, she was exhausted. We did get her up, unpacked some of her clothes so she could get ready for school. She packed a lunch, her school stuff, ate a quick breakfast and we were off for her first day. It was her first walk to school and she’s excited to be here.

Family Travel Guatemala
birthday cheesecake in Spanish class

Madi had arranged to get a piece of cheesecake for me, complete with candle, during Spanish class. The Spanish teacher also confessed that she was the one to put the flowers on our door for Kier’s arrival. In addition to the cheesecake, there was a bouquet of radishes and a heart sucker. That’s my first radish bouquet, I’m quite sure. They’re more practical here, look at the beautiful red bouquet, then eat it for lunch. Each little gesture was greatly appreciated.

After Spanish I went to look for a phone. Since Paul sent down a Magic Jack, we can make phone calls through the computer for free for one year. All we needed was a phone. I went to the guys who run the everything shop across from Solomon’s Porch. The one guy said there is a paka that sells used ones for $2.50. I went there, but couldn’t find any they were in tact and had a chord. Next I went to the appliance store, but they wanted almost $90 for their phone. Too bad there isn’t a PanaSurplus, right Val? I went up to the large grocery store where I got my dvd player, but no phones. I then checked the guy who tried to fix our dvd player, and he said to go around the corner to another store. I did that, and sure enough he had 3 random dusty phones in his cabinet. Who knew (other than the guy that referred me there). I took the yellow and green one for $13. Perfect for our needs. I went home and installed it and made my first phone call home. Success. I wanted to get this because the grandparents don’t skype, and we’d like to be in touch with them. Then Paul and I got to have a long uninterrupted conversation.

Then the girls came home, gave me cards, made me supper, topped it off with a birthday show. Kier got out her guitar and sang 3 songs, then Madi and Cali each sang one of my favorite songs. It’s amazing how great a birthday can be with only creative gifts, nothing material to speak of. After the show, I called or skyped with just about everyone in my family. It was a great birthday.

My birthday show.

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Cali’s day: Today I had lots and lots of fun. This morning I had sausages with my eggs. My tuk tuk was very late and my mom had to call him to come. That made me 30 minutes late for school and I only got 10 minutes of gym. The we came in and had science, then lunch, and recess. We came in and had computer class, and we played ballet girl dress up. In English we played what’s this color. Then we went home because the bell rang. When we got home we did my work and I ate more sausages and eggs. We did lots of birthday stuff for mom. I made her a pretty pink card and sang her favorite song. P.S. I love you all.

Madi has too much homework to do to post her blog.