Skype and Bike

Today it became clear why there was a mass clean-up effort happening yesterday. Today the president of Guate was in Pana. He came by helicopter and there was a serious military presence on many of the corners, and some roads were inaccessible. He was here to discuss the pollution of the lake. My understanding is that Hurricane Stan, which blew through here many years ago, took with it the sewage treatment plant. It has never been rebuilt and the town has not had a sewage system since. All the sewage goes directly into the lake. Apparently a new septic system has been funded a number of times, but people run off with the money. So the townspeople are losing faith that they will ever see the replacement of the system that was lost in the hurricane.

In the morning the guys came to finish putting in the window. The only problem is that they left it open. We have no way of getting up there. How totally ironic. It’s as if there isn’t a window installed at all.


We got an invitation to go to a house on the lake to take a swim. Another family with a kid Madi’s age was going to be there, too. We decided to go. The house was incredibly cute, and the view of the lake was stunning. The house had a jacuzzi, sauna, which we didn’t use. There was only an outdoor shower. We sat on the dock for a while, but it was extremely windy. The girls played in the sprinkler and the two of them did hammock wrestling for a long time. Rules are simple. Whoever gets dumped out is the loser. Should be a summer olympic sport.

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Heard lots of history about how different people made their way to Pana, how it has changed over the years. I always enjoy the stories–most are fascinating. We got a lime from the tree, some fresh basil, some hot hot chilis to put in olive oil.

Then we went back into town around noon and stopped by a number of bicycle shops to see if there are any used bikes. Came up empty. They are rare and get snapped up when available. One guy mentioned that there was a yardsale going on the next street over. Checked that out but they were only selling smaller bikes. We also stopped by PanaSuper and got some English muffins. I saw chocolate made by the famous local Chocolate Bob. I haven’t tried any yet, but it’s legendary around here. In the grocery store I saw the woman I rented the house from last time we were here. She looks great. We went back to our other friend’s house, had a good visit, the girls had fun with the dog.

Was getting windy, thought about how I could close the upstairs window. I think there is no hope of me shutting it without a ladder. Ladders are a hot commodity around here.

Went into town and bought an internet hook-up for the computer. It was so easy. Now I have access anywhere in town. The first month came with the little plug in, all for only 400Q. Sweet. I also bought a bicycle. I was reminded again how much everything on my body jiggles on the stone streets. I’m in decent shape, but there were things jiggling that I didn’t know could jiggle. From my cheeks to my calves! I was one jiggling mass. I wonder if I looked as hilarious as I was felt. When I got home we found a little home for the bike under our stairs. I kept the seat low so that Madi could ride it, but she informed me there was no way she is riding on these streets because she didn’t want to be killed by a tuk tuk. Fair enough.

With our new found internet access, we skyped all evening. We were on with Kier and her friends for an hour, I was on with my sister for an hour, then Paul when he got home from Toronto for an hour. It was good to see everyone, and Madi saw her bunny.

We watched Zorro and went to bed.

Cali’s Frog Blog: Today I had lots and lots of fun because. We went to the lake this morning and I was lying out on the dock. Madi and I played roller coaster in the hammock for a while. Then we were running in the sprinkler. Then I came home and squeezed lime juice for our lemonade. That was another first time for me. Then we started to talk to Kiki and her friends. Then we ate popcorn and watched Zorro. Later we talked to daddy and I fell asleep. That’s how my day went today.

Madi Speaks: Today we went to to a house on the lake. I sat in the hammock and wrote more chapters for my book, Life of an Olvit. Cali and I ran through the sprinkler. Then we went to visit our friends and we played with the dog. We played fetch with him until he was tired. When we were leaving I fell and scraped my ankle. Our friend put a bandaid on it and we left. When we got home we skyped Kiki and her friends. We showed them the house and walked down to the lake with the computer. After an hour of skyping, we ate popcorn and watched the ending of Zorro and part of Jurassic Park. Then we skyped daddy, but couldn’t give him a very good tour of the house because it was dark. Cali fell asleep while we were skyping so it was just me and mommy. Then we went to bed. P.S. Love you lots Bonsai, Kier, Daddy and Noramy.