Evil Viking Wind and Free Range Cows


For the second time in five nights, I was up for most of the night. This time it wasn’t because of fireworks, but a crazy ferocious wind. It was like pre-tornado windy, when you wonder if the roof is going to come off, with stuff blowing around hitting the house, things rolling down the streets. A fierce noisy angry wind. I was glad we were sleeping in the downstairs bedroom.

When I was half asleep, the front door banged wide open and there was this swirling dust. It was surreal, like in a movie. I half expected to see a viking standing there or something, wait, that was the dream part. The door was locked, but somehow all the wind jarred it open. A bit of a concern on a few fronts. So I slammed it shut and wedged a heavy chair between that and another door. Guess I’ll be doing that until I can get a better lock on the door, at least on windy nights. So I didn’t sleep the rest of the night, but finished the book I was reading with a flashlight.


In the morning the girls didn’t remember anything. Cali thought it had been raining all night. She really can sleep through anything. We hung around at home all morning because the guy was supposed to come and put in the window upstairs. He was supposed to call before he came over. Somehow he didn’t get to it. By afternoon we were tired of waiting around and knew he was going to call before he came over.

Family Travel Guatemala
getting water from the store

We went into town and Solomon’s Porch was open. It’s almost like a mini community centre. They have a pool table, different classes after school, great live music on the weekends. Without question they make the best nachos in town. We got those and some thick cut fries, limonada con soda.

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If I would have been clever I would have brought laundry to do while we were sitting there, but since Cali has been such a laundry keener, we don’t have much. We hung out at Solomon’s Porch all afternoon while I posted the last four blogs. Took a long time. I also tried to download the pictures, but the connection was so slow, I only got 4 done in about an hour. Sorry Paul and Kier, but pictures will likely have to wait until I can get internet connection through my computer.


The girls played Uno and went for ice cream while I was on the computer. Around 4 we walked home by way of the grocery store and picked up some more drawing paper. We are going through the supplies with all this free time. It was a cooler walk home, the wind is still pretty strong. I suggested to the girls that we not walk on the dirt roads because it blows things in their eyes, but they still wanted to go down the road that has the two free-range cows. So we did.

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By the time we got down to the lake it was only five, but the wind was making it a cooler evening. There were still men digging away in the riverbed, sorting dirt and rocks. The never-ending soccer game was also going. Seems like no matter when we go down there, the soccer game is on. There were another few men fishing.

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There is another 7:30 church service tonight. I’m starting to wonder if this will be a daily testing of my tolerance. I don’t mind the preaching, preach away brother. But it’s the enthusiastic monotone singing that tests my patience.

Hammock canoe
Hammock canoe

Cali’s Frog Blog: “Today I had lots and lots of fun. We went to the beach again and we made some rooms there. We played in the hammock and we pretended it was a gondola. We pretended Madi was a human and I was a penguin named Skipper. Then I went to the store down the street by myself. I asked them how much the cookies were, then I came home and got the Quetzals and went back by myself. They were banana chocolate vanilla cookies. Then we went to Solomon’s Porch and we had some nachos and french fries and played Uno, too. That’s how my day worked today. P.S. Love you all.

Madi Speaks: Today I helped mom put up the mosquito netting for both beds. I finished Eclipse, boo hoo. We went to Solomon’s Porch and spent most of our afternoon there playing Uno and eating ice cream. Then we came home and I drew a house for both mom and Cali. Love u lots, Madi.