Of Tales and Tombstones


Day 120


cobble-stoned walkways at Pere Lachaise

Paris has something for everyone, even the tombstone gazers. If you only have the time or sentiment for one, visit the
Cimetiere du Pere Lachaise, the most visited cemetery in the world. Established in 1804, it’s the most famous, with more than a million inhabitants over 110 acres.


Jim Morrison’s grave

There are impressive mausoleums, elaborate statues, touching epitaphs, and impressive tombs. Among those buried there is Oscar Wilde, Balzac, Proust, Sarah Bernhardt, Gertrude Stein, Pissarro, Seurat, Chopin, Moliere, Marcel Marceau, and of course, Jim Morrison.

Oscar Wilde’s grave

Oscar Wilde's grave
Oscar Wilde’s grave

lipstick kisses on the glass at the site of Oscar Wilde’s grave

The cemetery also contains the Wall of The Federalists, marking an all night battle that was fought among the tombstones on the night of May 27, 1871. The few remaining Communard insurgents fought government forces, and in the morning the last 147 were rounded up and executed on the wall.

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