Houdini Cat and Tres Leches Gelato

Day 4

Some days there’s business back home that needs tending. Today was one of those days. For us that meant a short leash to our condo’s wifi, which is centrally located by the pool. The upside is that business-tending can be done while sitting in or by the pool Pura Vida style.

The biggest event of the day was when the clever resident Houdini cat went into Cali’s room, pulled open a drawer, and crawled back behind the drawers to become happily unreachable. This was obviously a favorite pasttime. We were impressed how he managed to contort his body through such a narrow crack above the drawer he’d opened. We couldn’t remove the drawers, and the condo help dude had gone home. Houdinicat wouldn’t even come out for the best meat we had in the fridge. Clearly not his first self-confinement. Eventually he tired of his trick and the escapologist emerged as effortlessly as he’d entered, gave a quick nod to the audience, and headed home for supper. Which meant we could go for some, too.

The Jaco strip is visitor-friendly in the evening, lots of little shops with twinkly lights, restaurants with torches, ice cream and gelato cafes. They’ve cultivated a surfing vibe with a bohemian twist. We heard from a young shopkeep that the street changes to a seedier tone at night, and to go back to our safe little condo by 10 at the latest. Since we had a few hours before the night-morph, we walked the length of town and had ice cream. Cali, always an adventurous eater, tried the tres leches. Turned out to have sugar content off the chart so she gave it to her dad. At the gelateria we sat next to a klatsch of Italian men sharing dramatic arm-waving tales. Everyone seemed happy and relaxed.

We got safely home before turning into pumpkins. Cali had a bit of a learning curve trying to make edible microwave popcorn, eventually turning the bag every 10 seconds. Clearly no smoke detectors in this unit. I watched Imitation Game on Netflix while Paul had some unwinding wine after a long day of business by the pool.