A Personal Pinata for Birthday Breakfast

Certain birthday traditions evolve. In Guatemala we a pinata every birthday, sometimes two. Everyone gets birthday breakfasts in bed. At first they were real breakfasts with a little chocolate treat on the side, but gradually the percentage of chocolate vs food changed. Some prefer all chocolate for their breakfast. And why not?


This year I found small personal-sized pinatas. We served it on a plate with some kind of beating instrument and let the birthday person work for their chocolate. What better way to start the day?

Then, since the birthday girl didn’t have a real breakfast, we end up going out for just that. She wanted Krispy Kreme. Most would argue that’s still not a real breakfast, but we left it at that.


We did have some real food eventually. We offer to take her to the restaurant of her choice. But every year she cooks us all her favorite dishes, because she likes them just so. We don’t complain, just look forward to the annual meal she cooks for us on her birthday.

bd dinner

Since birthday is more life sugarday, we end with a cake, of course.
