A Bug and Barf Reorientation

Living in Guatemala

Last night we had a movie night all planned. But then Cali wasn’t feeling well. We put her to bed, she ended up throwing up half way to the bathroom. At least she hit tile and not carpet. Madi followed suit a few hours later. We emptied out two garbage cans and lined them with grocery bags so they could use them.

Today we got a few things done. We got water. Who knew there were so many different water bottles and that certain delivery people or stores will only take their brand. Currently we have one bottle from the dispensa, and one from the delivery dude that we can’t seem to catch.

The two younger girls were throwing up all night, so we didn’t get much sleep. Paul and I took turns emptying their buckets and relining them with new bags. All the plastic bags got used.

We measured all the cable we need to go from the window to the two bedrooms. Then we got 28 feet of cable for 2.5 Q a metre and each of our three pieces of cable we had ends put on them and then a triple splitter, the whole thing costs 131Q or less than $15.

We went up to the market to get pan con pollo, yummy chicken sandwiches. Paul blew a tire on his bike, so we had to walk it down to the bike fixit dude. Every errand takes a bit of time and is rarely straightforward.

We made a cake to celebrate Kier’s birthday, which happened last month. We put the cake on the  kitchen counter to cool and the ants infested it, argh. The oven does work, so that’s good news. I went to put the cake in, it didn’t rise, then it rose incredibly fast. Not sure how the high altitude affects the baking,  need to do some research.

Then a cockroach the size of a firetruck (Paul’s description) showed up. I threw it outside the door discretely cuz I didn’t want to freak out Madi that there are bugs living in our house that could carry her away in her sleep. I told Paul that is was out there and he said he’ll take care of it. I’m fine with that. Then I hear all this stomping and banging on the door. Sounded like a rumble of epic proportions. Paul eventually comes in and says, “I killed it.”

There were also some rather large black spiders up by the roof the size of Cali’s palm. We threw a few shoes at them and missed. I think the spiders were laughing at our pathetic efforts. We also seem to have a mouse or two, just to add some rodent variety so we don’t become overly insect focused.

Today was a reorientation of the g.i. troubles and insects that are part of life here. We can do this, right?