A Dirt Lot, a Band, a Service

Saturday morning, the girls happily watched their cartoons, Kier and I went for breakfast. She told me about the evening with her friends, updates me on all the teen happenings. We got home, she practiced guitar, recovered from her sleepover by snoozing in the hammock.


I went to the bank, grocery store, normal life maintenance stuff. Kier and I walked down to the lake. No baptisms there today. Madi’s friend came over and they all played until supper time. After that the younger girls had a movie night the one we rented and a Harry Potter movie on tv.

Family Travel Guatemala

Kier had her guitar lesson and I went for a short ride around our neighborhood, trying to figure out exactly where some of the smaller paths lead. I rode over to the Japanese restaurant and hotel to see what kind of sushi they make, but they were closed.

On a small dirt lot off of our street an evangelical church group from out of town set up to do a church service. This means that a makeshift stage is set up, there is a band of two drummers a few guitars, a preacher. The women set up on the street with lots of food. It’s like a small party. Then there are recruiters who are roaming the streets trying to steer you into the parking lot. The service went on for a couple of hours, and the event spilled out on to the street later. Even the rain couldn’t dampen the enthusiams of the group.

In the evening Kier and I went to the Porch to listen to the band. Kier’s guitar teacher plays in the band, and we know the other two members. The band does songs from my teenage/college era, so it was amazing. They can play 100 songs. There was a small group of people dancing at the front. That would have been fun, but Kier didn’t want to dance and getting up there with the other group was a bit out of my comfort zone. It was enough listening to the band.

Kier’s friends trickled in and then left in a group. Since it was the night before Valentine’s Day, the streets were packed with people. It’s always interesting how Kier’s group of friends seem to assemble out of no where, as if by osmosis. Some of them don’t have phones so are in contact only through Facebook chat. Somehow they all end up together. There were about eight of them sharing a table last night. Kier stayed over at her friend’s house. There were fireworks tonight for Valentine’s Day. It was a good day.