A Little Elevator Adventure


Day 360, From Prague, Czech Republic to Munich, Germany

We left Prague, but not without a little elevator drama first. Luckily it was me and not one of the girls who got stuck in the elevator. I might have been more anxious about the situation had it been one of them. As far as elevator mishaps go, this one was the best case scenario. The elevator only stopped about half a floor above the ground, and it also had windows. So even though it was a tiny elevator, it wasn’t a claustrophobic experience. I got to watch the girls take videos and snapchats. I’m here to amuse. Paul was already on the phone with the super of the building when the elevator started to behave and delivered me to the first floor. Twenty minutes of fun and games. The girls thought it was hilarious, and since I didn’t have to go to the bathroom, I could agree.Czech RepublicThe drive to Munich was fast. Europeans know how to work a highway. Everyone knows the courtesy rules of the road and with few exceptions, follow them. As we cruised into Germany there was no border check of any kind, a first.GermanyIn Munich, we opted for a hotel instead of an Airbnb, since we weren’t staying long. This one was an Ibis Styles, which all have a different decor focus. This one had a farm theme. There were photos of cows, the carpet looked like a rustic wooden floor, light fixtures were all barn related. The bed was a cloud and there were also bunks. It was great. We ate in an Italian restaurant next to the hotel to keep it simple for the evening.