Aftermath of Agatha

Living in Guatemala

The schools have been cancelled for the day, most for a couple of day. Most of the businesses are closed. The grocery stores are open, the gym is closed (that doesn’t affect me), most restaurants are closed. People are shoveling mud in the streets, trying to clean up.

Living in Guatemala

Trying to figure out if I should stay in Jucanya. We are cut off due to the bridges being out, except for one two miles upstream. I could never go in to town by myself without wondering if I would be cut off for some reason from the the house and the girls. I think I’ll move to this side of town. I was supposed to fly out on Wednesday, but the airport is still not open because of the volcanic ash. But even if it did open, there would be no way of getting there because of flooding and road mudslides.

We spent the day trying to salvage costumes, helping my friend move her house, looking at other houses to live in. It was very chaotic in the streets. I realize how many good friends I’ve made here, so many people willing to help. My friend drove us over to Jucanya to pack up some things to bring over. Perhaps we were starting to smell. there is still a huge waterfall of water coming down the mountain and across the road in Jucanya. The people say there is a lake in the mountain that is overflowing and if one of the sides of the lake gives way it will create a large mudslide into Jucanya. I guess I’m moving into town for sure.

After that we bought a sweater for Kier, she needed one. The kids are all pumped because they don’t have school until Wednesday at the earliest. We are staying at my friend’s house again tonight. Good thing she moved into a bigger house!