Amusing Manatees and So Long to an Iconic Ferris Wheel


Day 101

Paul decided to ride the bike on some new trails on the Westside, Madi had to do homework, so Cali and I were free to do what we pleased. She decided on the Shedd Aquarium. We rode the L down to the shores of Lake Michigan.

young urban photographer
The ITU World Triathlon Grand Final was happening in the park by the Aquarium. We watched for a while before going into the aquarium.


poison dart frogs that are native to Costa Rica


The Shedd doesn’t do dolphin shows but rather Manatee exercises.


photographing otters

you can touch a Stingray

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After the aquarium we took a water taxi over to Navy Pier.



on the water taxi

At Navy Pier Cali rode on the ferris wheel which is being closed down for good at the end of October. That’s a little sad since we have been going on this ride for decades, whenever we visit the city. Perhaps they are replacing it with a larger more modern version, but I will miss this one.

Navy Pier

ChicagoChicago ChicagoChicago

After we rode some of the rides we got mango slushies and walked toward Ed Debevics to meet Paul and Madi for supper. I always enjoy concentrated one on one time with any of the girls. A day in the aquarium and Navy Pier was just perfect for Cali.