Beating the Bugs and Buying Groceries

Living in Guatemala

Beat the Bugs and Buying Groceries

Today was catching up on house stuff-day. No matter where a person lives, these days are always necessary. I did lots of cleaning, even mopped the floor. During rainy season, we often rush into the house with muddy shoes. We’ve learned to let it dry in the front hall and the next morning it’s usually grainy sand and can be swept out without much trouble.

We are still being eaten alive by bugs at night. We’ve been dealing with this in an ongoing way since we’ve arrived here. When I was swimming in the pool at the Posada, someone was surprised how covered I was with bites. He was convinced that we are dealing with fleas. He said if we are wearing any pants with a drawstring, spray the pants with raid, put them in a plastic bag for 24 hours, then wash very well. So that’s what I did. Cali is the only one who isn’t being bitten, so I treated Madi’s, Kier’s, and my pj bottoms. I switched all the bedding again. That took a long time. I have more bug scars than a Survivor contestant. I will continue to try to beat the bugs, but they may outsmart us all.

I also had to buy groceries. I was walking with my friend. She asked me what I was going to do this afternoon, I said I didn’t have any groceries in the house and she responded that’s not a big problem if you have money to put groceries in the fridge. When she runs out of groceries the problem is finding money to buy more. Perspective. I’ll should never complain about the act of going to get groceries. I am lucky that I’m able to go out and buy them.

Later in the evening I went back to hang out with the adults, a group of us went to a friend’s hot tub.