Cacti Salesman for Houseplant Machismo

Jaco, Costa Rica

Day 56

Last night we were treated to another full display of fireworks from our balcony perch. The lengthy set made us think the Costa Rican independence day was upon us. When we took Cali to school this
morning and it was closed, we thought our suspicions were confirmed. But when we got home and did a quick search, the google said no. We still don’t know why school was canceled. She spent the day doing her online Physical Science instead.

We did solve the fireworks mystery. There was a wedding on the beach the day before. The fireworks were part of that celebration.


Paul and I found grabbed a coffee in a new cafe and ate the best banana bread in the world. It melted in your mouth as if it was impersonating a fine dessert. Wonderful little breakfast surprise.

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Later in the afternoon we did some shopping in town. The store we were hoping to buy some surf shirts in had a sign, “gone surfing.” Happens a lot around here. We had to return when the waves
weren’t as enticing.

Madi was experiencing some more gut pain so we went back to the pharmacy Sophia. We got parasite meds that were more comprehensive than the ones she took two weeks ago. I hope these do the trick.

During our pasta lunch we saw a cacti salesman. That was a first. He had a tray of small potted cacti. Didn’t know there was such an active cactus following in Jaco. He was selling off his wares mostly to big, muscly guys. Cacti, the houseplant machismo. Who knew.

ice cream

Kier got most of her Christmas shopping done. She likes to work ahead. After that we grabbed some ice cream and waited for Paul and Cali to meet us at Tsunami Sushi. My personal favorite is still the Bruce Lee. When I’m tired of that I go back to the Godzilla. Cali’s favorite it appropriately named the Crab Cali.

Tsunami sushi

It’s become a Friday tradition to eat half price sushi and then go to a movie. Tonight was the Mission Impossible release. Cali saw some kids from her school.

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Seats in the theater are assigned. When we sat in our row, we noticed it was lower than the other rows, a bit orchestra pit-like. Two tall American men happened to be sitting in front of us. There should be a tall person designation for our row. Good thing we didn’t need the Spanish subtitles, because I couldn’t see them. Popcorn is consistently good there, no matter where you sit. Good