Canada, Family, Friends, and Timmies


Day 102

Canadian Geese in Cambridge, Ontario

After living in Canada for 25 years, I’m always a bit sentimental when crossing the border. We spent over a week in Canada. We got in lots of time with both of our families.

A big family reunion and meal in the grandparents garden.


There was lots of cousin time.



We saw family friends, the girls did sleepovers and weekends to the cottage with friends, I had lunch with my work friend, and Paul packed in enough work to free him up for the next year.

We went to the new building at the St. Jacob’s Farmers Market, since the other burned down. A new vendor is the Craft Chippery, so dangerous. It’s probably a good thing this happened after I left town or I’d be living at the market.

St. Jacobs Farmers Market
Thursday morning at the St. Jacob’s Farmers Market

The Craft Chippery at St. Jacob’s Farmers Market

yes, please

Cali and her cousin got in some trampoline time.


Of course the main thing also happened–me, reunited with my double-double and Old Fashioned Plains from Tim Hortons. Happy sigh.
