Cavemen ate Fish or Lion & Moulin Rouge Read Thru

Today Cali went back to school–hooray! Even though I had spoken to our tuk tuk driver last night, some how the message didn’t get through. We called twice, eventually he came. Cali didn’t like being late for school, but late she was. It was nice to be back to our regular routine. She felt she had a lot of catching up to do, not in school, but just in the regular life things, like going to the coffee shop, ice cream shop, checking on her spheres, check on the street dogs, pick up the laundry presents.

checking on her speres
checking on her speres

Madi and I went to our Spanish class. Our teacher brought pictures from her trip to South America for us to discuss in Spanish. Made me want to go there next! After that I went to the La Parada coffee place, read a bit of my book, went home and had a long online convo with my friend Mary. It was a good day.

Spanish teacher and dog
Spanish teacher and dog

After school, Cali and I walked up to Madi’s school for the read through of the musical. The director invited me to help out. A good group of kids, enthusiastic. Madi did very well at the read through. She the Bohemian Toulouse, if you know Moulin Rouge. She has a spunky part which suits her personality. Kier will enjoy her part as well. She gets to do the Roxanne dance, it will be great for her. After the read through it was already past Cali’s bedtime. We went home, I fed them, we skyped home to say goodnight, I put them to bed. This musical will be a lot of fun, just like the last one we did here.

Cali’s ice cream.


We walked by the onion field close to our house, they were higher than the last time she saw them.


She checked on the street dogs. Yup, still there.


We picked up some laundry, always in a cute bundle.


Our coffee stop.

La Parada our coffee stop
La Parada our coffee stop


Cali’s homework.


Cali’s Bog Blog: Today I had lots and lots and lots of fun because I was BETTER today! Everyone say hooray for Cali! Hip hip hooray says the world!!! I got to school late because our tuk tuk driver thought I was still sick, but I wasn’t. When I got there they were leaving the class for sports day. At sports day we played duck, duck, goose in Spanish, which is pato, pato, ganso. That sounds much better in Spanish. We were playing this outside sitting on the ground. I got touched on the head and then I was just sitting there and the guy started running. Then I got up and started running, too. Then I won because I beat him back to the spot. Then we played ball freeze-tag, which goes like this. The teacher had a red ball. He would try to throw it at whoever, so that they could freeze. Somebody that didn’t get touched by the ball would have to touch you so you would unfreeze. Then I went back to class and had science. In science I learned about how the caveman lived and how it is different from how we live. We had two different options to draw. The caveman had two choices of what to eat, fish or lion. We could draw either of these two. I chose to draw the fish because I would not like to kill a lion. So I chose pescado. For the humans now we had the choice of drawing fruit or meat for us to eat. I decided on drawing meat. I drew chicken, fish, cow, and lamb, but N-O lion, yucky. This was all very interesting to me. Then I ate my lunch and went outside. My friend was very happy to see me again. She was also sick on Monday. I wonder if I gave her the turista. My friend and I played vampire and lava monster. We never get tired of that game. I hope when I get home I can teach my Canadian best friend (you know who you are) to play lava monster and vampire. I hope the boys back home aren’t giving you a hard time without my protection. I will get them if they aren’t treating you well. When we came back in from recess we had English. In English we got these tiny pieces of cardboard and wrote down things and drew a picture. The two that I did were “eat” and “watch”. I’ll tell you how I designed those words. For “eat” I made it pink and pretty. For that I did puffy around it and purple and pink. For the “a” I made it orange and red and pink. For the “t” I just left it normal, but with purple. Then I drew a picture with a fork, a knife, a spoon. The plate had carrots, beans, chicken, sauce, ceasar salad. Then I drew a person facing me and had arms reaching above his head to the fork, knife, and spoon. For the word, “watch” I drew designs on the sign with swirleys and it really was SOOOOOOO pretty. I wish you could see it. I drew a watch that was black with curlies. Then I went home in a tuk tuk because the bell rang. I came home and did my work. I ate scrambled eggs and a toasted peanut butter and jam bread. Then we had to go to Madi’s school to the read-through of the play. They handed out candy like it was Halloween and I helped myself to a huge handful. I have to do my homework there which was drawing caveman transportation and now transportation. So we all had to draw a picture of a caveman riding an elephant and something now, so I drew a rocket. I like my homework here sooo much. It’s so interesting and I love to do it every night. P.S. I love you all, especially because I’m feeling so much better.

Madi’s blog: Today at school I turned in my two essays. The Spanish speaking class watched UP, and I did math. After school we did a line run-through of the musical Moulin Rouge. It was the first time we saw the scripts. During the read-through Jobi passed a big bag of candy around. Tai is a very good Duke. They still haven’t decided on the lead boy’s part. After that we went home and had supper. Mom and I wanted to watch tv but the president was talking. That’s all for today.