Cloud vs Volcano vs Open Junglehouse Living

Dominical Costa Rica

Day 21

Cloud living vs. volcano living. So far it’s easier to live on an active volcano than in a cloud. Perhaps that’s what the Pompeii people used to say, too, until they didn’t.

Volcanic Hotsprings Arenal

Soaking in volcanic hotsprings, advantage volcano-living. As opposed to cloud-living where it was a little damp all the time. Even the outdoor hotel space was underground to avoid the wind and wet weather.


We were going to go on a hike in the morning but it was too wet. Still haven’t had a clear view of the beast on which we slept. It may not happen this trip.

Good breakfast more so for the company. We just sat talking with the kids about their lives. Animal guest at breakfast was a magnificent grey bird with a teal tail. Eventually we moved to the hotsprings and continued the conversations there.

We drove to the Pacific Ocean, closer to the house we’ve rented. At one point the road was washed out so we had to make a detour into no-man’s land. More rain, lots of it.

We made it to Dominical in the dark. Asked around and eventually found a small dark dirt driveway that wound into pitch blackness. A woman said that if we kept walking there was a house back there. I didn’t want to lose a flipflop in the mud or get eaten by a croc or something, so sent in the man. He has a spotless record of always coming back alive. He reported that there was indeed a house back in there, somewhere.

We first grabbed some yummy supper, more delicious fresh fish. I may never leave. Animal guest to supper, Lola the parrot.

Family Travel Costa Rica

We made it to our open air bamboo house which was now lit up, and adorable. We went upstairs to the bedroom and I could see the girls weren’t as enthusiastic as I’d hoped. There was only mosquito netting for four. The three of them decided to sleep cross-wise on the two mattresses under the netting. It was doable, until a cockroach scampered between the two mattresses. Now weez got ourselves a situation. We did extract him and the girls fell asleep.

Family Travel Costa Rica

I, on the other hand, was thinking this wasn’t the best idea I’ve had. Sure the place was cute online, but the reality was we were sleeping unprotected in the jungle. Are there Anacondas in Costa Rica? It was a little late to ask the Google now. Is that why there were no reviews of this place online? At this point in my mental international househunters, with the three choices of habitats left on the table, jungle-living, cloud-living, volcano-living, I’d have to x-out the jungle (cue x striking sound). Maybe I should wake the girls and stuff them in the Yaris for safe keeping. At some point in my mental frenzy, I fell asleep.