D.C. for a Day

DC and Chicago are two of my favorite museum cities. On our road trip to Pennsylannia, we squeezed in almost a day in Washington DC. We started visiting the city regularly after a college friend moved there after graduation. This is how we spent our one day in DC.

When we arrived in the evening we went out for Ethiopian food. Back in the 80’s when my friend first moved to DC  we first tried Ethiopian food. We’d never done the large communal platter and scooping bits of meat and veggies with the spongey Injera. Their boys came with us and we discovered the latest trendy gadget in action, spinners.

After that we made a trip to the local not-your-average-neighborhood liquor store. There was a beer tasting bar and more speciality and craft beers than I’ve ever seen in one place. Then we went back to the house and sampled those on her back gazebo, talking until late.

In the morning for coffee and a bite we went to Vigilante. It’s the epitome of the the modern urban cafe with a roaster in plain view, and a smattering of individuals with their laptops, plugging in and working remotely for the day. We may have been the only ones talking.

After that we went to the mother of all REI stores, built into the shell of the historic concert hall where the Beatles played their first show in America. Southern Florida does not have many outdoor stores, so we took our time.


Then we walked past the Capital and did a few museums before closing time.

First we wandering into the U.S. Botanic Garden. Inside the arboritum it felt too much like home, so we went to spend our time elsewhere.

We each chose a museum. First we went to Paul’s favorite, the National Air and Space Museum, and squeezed in an IMAX Journey to Space.

Then we walked across the National Mall to my favorite, the National Gallery of Art. Good day in the capital.