Egg Snipers and a Test on 7 Windows

Kier woke up with 3 bug bites and a huge swollen foot. Her foot was like half a sphere with toes. I hope I’m not under-reacting by thinking it will go away and she doesn’t lose a foot. That would give me quite a few bad-mom points, and might put me over my allotted quota. We could barely squeeze the foot into a roomy man flip flop. The bites didn’t look like mosquitoes, more like a spider (probably a big one). It hurt to walk on it.

The day after Carnival. We walked to school for Spanish class past a local school. There were boys on the roof using the rest of their eggs, throwing them at pedestrians. That’s right, roof egg-snipers. They were using the real eggs, not the pretty good luck ones. Maybe they spared us because Kier was limping and we were pathetic target. They opted for a girl on a bicycle, their aim was impressive. I was grateful.


When we got to the girls’ school, Madi’s classmates were smashing eggs on everyone’s heads, including mine. It’s good luck. Apparently they got organized one day late. Hope that doesn’t dilute the luck. I’d forgotten how hard those eggs are when they are crushed on your skull. No wonder Cali said her head was sore. Not sure I want good luck that badly.

Family Travel Guatemala

I told Madi I would bring some eggs back for her at lunch, but every single store had already put them away. Couldn’t find one for sale. I walked past the spot last night where the huge teen egg fight happened. The ground was covered with egg shells, flour, confetti.

All day my stomach was trying to deal with the fact that I’d eaten any and everything at Cali’s school party. I had to stay close to home. When will I learn? Potluck + panzy gringo stomach = things coming out both ends.

The girls did homework in the evening. Cali said she had a test on 7 windows tomorrow.

“Is that a book or something?” I asked.
“No, it’s a computer thing.”
“Do you mean Windows 7?”
“That’s what I said mom.”
“What part of it do you need to know?”
“The whole thing. I have to study the whole thing tonight.”

Like any responsible parent who doesn’t know how to help their kid any further, I encouraged her to watch tv instead.