Finding one Shoe in a Warehouse Haystack

Day 1, Summer in Asia ~ From Miami, Florida to Chattanooga, Tennessee

Our summer in Asia will be bookended by Missouri and Madrid. Before we fly to Thailand, we are visiting my dad in Columbia, MO. I can comfortably link this leg of the trip to the Asian theme since he is Japanese. The Madrid part is more of a thematic stretch, but we’ll find a link.

Sometimes the best-laid departure times are delayed by shoe shopping. Happens more than you think. Since we will live on our feet this summer, getting Kier and Madi a supportive, light pair of walking shoes was the last item on our trip prep list. I was clearly delusional when gave it a two-hour time slot because it took five. Sawgrass is a huge sprawling beast of a mall, so it was a marathon. We did not look at anything other than shoes and practically sprinted from store to store. Surrounded by towers of boxes, the girls tried on well over 100 pairs.

We had all but given up for Madi, but popped into Reebok out of total desperation. We found a light, supportive, attractive, perfect shoe for her. It was a Hallelujah Chorus worthy moment. We will not dog Reebok again. Respect, Reebok, Respect.

We finally found Kier’s shoes in a huge warehouse store, but the left shoe was missing in her size. We searched through an expansive wall of shoe boxes. Nope. We asked if we could buy that one and the size down in the other shoe. Nope. We left, came back when we could find nothing else suitable. We combed through the display shoes, which led us to a corner of men’s shoes in the same style, checked through those boxes and found it! We were hooting and high-diving and dancing around. People stared and thought we were being unnecessarily over exuberant for a pair of shoes. If they’d had known of our long and arduous journey leading up to this one-shoe victory, I’m sure a spontaneous street party would have erupted complete with a parade and piñatas. That’s how it was playing out in my head anyway. We samba-ed all the way to the checkout.

Today we drove to Chattanooga. I’m not sure why I like road trips. It’s the only way we traveled when I was a kid. I find it so soothing, time to unwind, talk about all the things you never have time for, read, nap–all the things I love. The girls were wiped out. Madi had just come off of a medical week in Nicaragua and another week in NYC. Cali had her last day of high school on Thursday and spent the next 3 full days getting her open water scuba license. Four dives, super intense.

Miami saw us off with a spectacular sunrise. Skies talk to me. This one says, don’t forget how amazing home is and can’t wait for you to come back! The skies can get a little cliché and sentimental, but I think it’s sweet.

Once in the road the girls didn’t make a peep, just slept, Netflixed, or listened to music. From 6 am to 7:30 pm, none of the usual chatter, just quiet regrouping.

In Chattanooga we checked into the hotel and decided to eat at the locally famous Portofino. The online description calls it an “unassuming eatery offering Greek and Italian grub.” They forgot to list the unique kitschy decor and friendly waitstaff with sweet Tennessean accents. Perfect unassuming Italian comfort grub after a road warrior kind of day.

While Paul sent some work emails in the lobby, the two younger girls readjusting to sharing a hotel bed.

“Stay on your side. I don’t want to feel your stubbly leg.”

“Oh trust me, yours are worst than mine. Mom, come judge whose are pricklier!” Ah yes, the familiar sounds of travel…