Friends From Afar


Day 175

We’ve discovered that if you live in Paris long enough, friends from all over the world will come to you. So far we’ve seen friends from Canada who were honeymooning here, college friends from the States who we hadn’t seen in years, and today we saw friends we met in Guatemala. I can’t tell you how great it has been to spend time with each of these couples, from very different times and places of our lives, from the three countries where we’ve lived.

Our friends from Guatemala bought a boat in Southern France and are now living there. They are adventurers at heart, having lived in a many different countries and cultures. Ten years ago, when we wanted to go to Guatemala for half a year, I saw online that there was an American curriculum school there. I sent emails to that school, and Jan was the one who answered them. She hooked us up with  the school, a place to live, and we were off. In the years to follow we got to know them better. My sister bought a house from Sid and we lived in one of their houses. But more than logistics, they were always helpful and kind to us. Some of the most hilarious nights of fun were when we won the trivia night being as a team, going to games night at their house, just hanging out with them anywhere. Jan and Sid are not just veteran travelers, they’ve made their homes in many diverse countries. Conversation is never dull and it was great seeing them again.