From a Beautiful Breakfast to a Pana Party

Something woke me up at 5 a.m. and I finally gave up going back to sleep at 6 a.m. when Cali woke up. This turned out to be a good thing since the garbage men came at 6:25 today. Aren’t they tricky. At least they were calling out this morning, so I could scramble to collect my garbage.

I walked Madi and Kier up to school and stayed to talk to Madi’s teacher about math-related stuff. She gets mad at math. That’s right, has a hate on for the numbers when they don’t work for her. So she is trying to learn to be a bit less emotional about the math. I was saying to her on the way home, make friends with the math, love the math, hug the math. It made her smile, but she thinks being an acquaintance with math will the the closest relationship they ever have. I’m fine with that as long as she can learn to get along with it somehow.

After school Kier went out with school buddies to a restaurant that has wifi, did some more work. Fridays are more informal here, but she still has work to do.

At PanaSuper Kker saw a good friend from the last time she was here. They hugged, then hugged, then hugged again. It was pretty sweet.

We came home and it was only 4 p.m. Much of the evening was left. Excellent.

We watched the two movies we rented, including Pink Panther 2, which has slapstick Steve Martin humor that all the girls can appreciate. Then Kier went to a party with some friends from school. It’s very different for her this time around. Even though 3 of her closer friends from our last visit no longer live in Pana, she knows enough other people to have plenty to do socially. She is also so much more outgoing now, so I think she will be able to plug into as much social stuff as she wants.

It was a good Friday.

Cali’s frog blog: Today I had lots and lots of fun starting with a beautiful breakfast. Then my tuk tuk came on time, which was very nice for me. I don’t like being late for school. At school I had science, then in math we counted by twos in Spanish. Then we had lunch and then I went to recess. In computer class we went to the computers (yo) and played the horse game (yo). In English we didn’t do anything so I gave my best friend here a massage and manicure. I put my magic potion perfume on her arm, and we rubbed it in. But then we said, what are these black dots on your arm, oh they are dirt. So I got my hand-sanitizer on her arm to get all the black dots off. Then we dabbed it with the towel. I would always ask her if it felt good and she would say, “Oh, yes, that’s very relaxing.” She was very happy with her manicure and massage. Then we got home I had my beautiful scrambled eggs. I’m really into those these days, I can’t live without my scrambled eggs. Mom says when she was little her mom used to make her scrambled eggs all the time, too. After a little bit of work we went into town to rent some movies at Solomon’s Porch. We got Pink Panther 2 this week because I got my choice last week. Next week I’m choosing Ratatouie. Then we walked to PanaSuper to get stuff for supper and Kier saw another one of her friends. They hugged and hugged. When we got home I gave mom a pedicure and massage in the hammock while she was reading a book. We are having spaghetti with bolonaise sauce for supper, my favorite noodles. Madi will only have butter on hers because she’s picky. Then we’ll go to bed. On Sunday my friend is coming over, yay. Tomorrow is Saturday and so I can watch cartoons, yay! I love my life, yay! P.S. I love you all very much.

Madi’s blog: Today I went to school for a few hours and I did all my homework that is due for Monday, so I have no homework left. Then I came home and when Cali got here we went into town to rent movies. Then we went to Saritas, because that’s what we do when we go into town. We rented Pink Panther 2 and some other movie for mom. We went to PanaSuper to get some popcorn. I love movie night. I swung in the hammock for a long time because I love it there. It’s very relaxing.

Hasta manana.