Guate Guitar Hero and Private Convos

Family Travel Guatemala

Go figure, with the rainy season comes lots of rain. During the night lots of thunder, then a steady rain for hours. We thought the roof was holding, but turns out there was a new leak. I’ll need to call the roof guys.

After school Cali came directly home because she was stressed about a project. They had to make a keyboard from cardboard so they can start practicing typing. Interesting, right? Who knew a keyboard had so may keys! We walked in to town to get foam and stickers, and she seemed to be cutting and gluing keys for hours.

Kier went to play Guitar Hero after school with her friends. She was propping up the band. Teens like to do the same things here as they do back home. After that she and I were going to go over to my friend’s house to watch a movie, but it’s was raining so hard I didn’t think I wanted to go out.

Cali got to talk to her best buddy from home. She hasn’t done that since we’ve been here because her friend moved and we didn’t have the number. I didn’t think 8 year olds could talk that long, but they found plenty to catch up on. She likes to act like she is older and said she needed some privacy for their conversation about iCarly and making jello.