Hammock Contraptions and Stone Piles

church next door
drinking a bag of water at the church next door

The bad news is that the church has a 7:30 am service complete with band and enthusiastic, but not in tune singers. The good news is that it’s not the church right next door, it’s the one about a block away. The services here are always for the entire barrio, there is no escaping it if you live within 5 blocks. Some churches have no walls, just a lot with benches. Other churches have walls, but want to share their joy, so open all the doors. Who knew “loud” as a method of evangelism. The bass and drum are decent in this group. Let me see if I can focus in on those parts and tune out the singing….nope, can’t.


We were up anyway. Cali was already in the hammock and Madi reading. Figured out last night that we can actually text to Canada. You sometimes have to send it 10 times before it goes through, but can be done. What I don’t know is how much it costs to receive and send such texts in Canada.

El Patio


We eventually walked into town because that is where the buzz is. I’m working on getting an internet card, but until I get that all sorted out, I’m going to the internet cafe and using their computers. I know Solomon’s Porch has free wifi, but they don’t open until Tuesday. So I’ll be able to post the blogs then. I know my family has been waiting for their daily updates, and Kier and Paul don’t want any details left out. Soon.

Today when we walked into town we stopped by the Galeria to see what art we’ve been missing. There was nothing that totally grabbed me like the picture that now hangs above my fireplace at home. When I saw that one, I felt inspired. There was a smaller painting that Cali discovered, because it was on her level. Good eye, it’s a nice one. I have lots of time to go back and make a selection before we leave. I may go back to the artist who did the piece I already have and see what new pieces he’s finished.

Then we walked to PanaSuper and got some Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal for Cali. I find for the younger girls it’s worth getting them something they are familiar with for breakfast. This is true esepcially when school starts. There are usually enough other potential issues in the morning, what to eat is one that’s easily solved with a favorite cereal. I also got my favorite, same reasons apply. When the kids are in school, I usually have a leisurely breakfast somewhere. We also got Ranch dressing Kier, you’ll be happy to hear. Then we stopped by to say hello to our family. We also stopped by the house of a girl Madi was good friends with last time we were here.

Then we walked up to the internet place, which was open, whew. A bit of a lifeline, that place. There was a warning which came up on the screen which I didn’t understand. Wonder what I committed to. After that we walked up to la Mismo Preciso which is our dollar store equivalent. You always have to check in your bags when you go into most stores, and most of them have a security guard at the front. In the big grocery store there are 3 security dudes roaming the aisles watching your every move. I’m always afraid to go into my purse to grab my phone and put it back. At the dollar store we picked up a clock, clothespins, a long lighter thing for the stove so I don’t have to have to hold a match with long tongs because I’m chicken.

Then we went to the plastic store. The woman there was friendly. She asked how long we are staying, about the girls their ages, where they go to school. Sweet woman. We spent a bit of time in her store. We bought a bunch of plastic plates, bowls and cups. The girls think the plates in Mia’s house are fancy China and they don’t want to break them. With the plastic cups they can also write their names on them and therefore not use 6 a day. Maybe we’ll do that for the plates, too.


After that we went searching for Get Guated Out which was an internet spot with lots of used books, some cd rentals. I was dissappoiinted to see it was gone, but then saw it had only moved down a floor. Currently there are still two great sources for used books in English and one store that has new books. Kier is an avid reader, but with her ebook, she may be feeding her need that way. There are two places to rent cds, if Solomon’s Porch is still renting. We stopped and got a small snack bag of milk for Cali and some more noodle soups for Madi. My pickiest eater seems to be all set. She has Nesquik cereal, tomatoes, cucumbers, chicken flavored ramen, mac and cheese, occasional tuna, rice. It’s a tight repetitive loop of choices, but she keeps growing.

We walked home past our old house. There is now a large Italian flag flying in front. Don’t know if it’s something official or personal. They are paving the road with square stones, it looks fancy compared to the dirt road it used to be.



When we got home we put up the clock, unpacked our goodies. The girls have been in the hammock for hours again. Madi was reading her book for 3 hours, Cali was making I miss you cards for Paul, Kier and Noramy. Then we washed a few clothes. Cali thought the washing clothes thing was amazing. Guess the whole Montessori theory of having kids do some work, is right on. Cali said she didn’t know you could use clothespins for something other than holding open chip bags shut.


We got a call on the phone from Kier and Paul. The connection wasn’t great, but it was great to hear from them. When we have internet we’ll skype every day, but right now we feel a bit out of touch. We always say our I love yous at the beginning in case the call abruptly ends, which, it did (so mushy, I know). Then we go from most urgent items to least.

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Nice that we live so close to the lake this time. So far we’ve gone down there every night to see what’s going on. Tonight the girls discovered large piles of rocks in the riverbed. We were down there for a couple of hours while the girls climbed from pile to pile. Cali especially didn’t want to leave. I called to say goodnight to Kier because she goes back to school tomorrow. She’s been doing homework all day the past couple of days. Madi was decorating her agenda and Cali cleaned her feet for 45 minutes. Kid you not.




Cali’s Frog Blog: I liked my day because we went down to the lake and looked for rocks just like we did last time. I found some seaglass and a heart shaped rock that I’m saving for the symbol of our family. We cut down a leaf in the backyard because it was falling down on us. Now Madi and I have a big stick. I made a secret contraption in the hamocka so we can play in it whenever we don’t have other things to do. We call it Cali’s Shrekret Cintraption. This was my first time washing clothes by hand. Actually this is my first time washing my clothes in my whole life in any kind of way. We discovered little bags of milk today. I drank half of it. The rest is for my cereal tomorrow morning. We went to the grocery store and it was lots of fun because I got to hold the key. The key goes to the locker and all our bags and stuff is in it while we shop in the grocery store. They don’t allow us carrying our things in there. I cleaned my feet really well. Mommy felt them and said they were soft. There was a lot of dirt that came out of the bucket when mommy poured it into the sink. P.S. I love you all Kier and Daddy and everyone who is reading this.

Madi Speaks: Today I went to one of my friend’s house but she was sleeping. We went to get a few groceries. But now that she is in 9th grade she thinks she is all that. She was texting while I was trying to talk to her. Then, since it was Sunday all the stores closed at 12. We went home and I swung in the hammock and read Eclispe for the 3rd time. (Kier bring book 4!) Mommy and I put up the mosquito netting. We walked down to the river and there were many rock piles. Cali and I played with our sticks. Then we came home and ate an elegant meal of Guate mac and cheese, which was very yummy. Now we are going to watch a few more episodes of One Tree Hill and we’ll go to bed.