Houston Happiness

Houston Zoo

Day 94


Our Houston stop was more about spending time with family than about the BBQ. Although we managed to fit that in, too. My brother and his family live there and my dad and his wife came down for the weekend. My brother’s house is a little haven of beautiful ceramic artwork, orchids, and potted courtyard trees. There’s always a fresh oatmeal option every morning, the coffee is brewed fresh by the cup, and each mug and dish is one of a kind.

my dad with his granddaughter in her her dorm room


My parents raised their three kids on a steady diet of museums, national parks, libraries, and zoos. It’s not surprising
that even as adults we continue to enjoy places that feed our brains or encourage curiosity and learning. Visits with my brother frequently, if not always, include trips to museums, zoos, aquariums. This visit was no different. Even though we weren’t visiting for long, we still managed to squeeze in a trip to the zoo and an art exhibit.

cousins in the tree


Houston ZooHouston Zoo

The Japanese garden art exhibit, which Madi needed to do a report on for her Asian History class, also interested my
Japanese father. Here, my dad met a woman who was from his home town of Kagoshima, Japan. They discovered that they had even attended the same elementary and secondary school. They spoke like old friends, my dad introduced all of us, and then they exchanged contact info. The Japanese people are a polite people, even more than Canadians. They smile, bow, and speak to each other with great enthusiasm, kindness, and attentiveness. No wonder they live so long.


My family also loves international food, of which Houston has no shortage. Whether a Middle Eastern or Indian dish, there’s always something new I’ve never tried on the table. This is also a time for Cali to try new vegetarian dishes, since her cousin and aunt are vegetarian pros. Every meal is a bit of an adventure, in a good way.



No family time is complete without some yoga, which luckily, Sandy is an experienced instructor.

Houston Houston Houston

The weekend flew by, and Monday morning meant people needed to return to work, to school, catch flights, and we needed to get back on the road.


Houston Houston Houston Houston Houston Zoo Houston Zoo Houson Houston Houston

HoustonHouston Houston, Texas