Kier Arrives

Cali was excited to get tooth fairy money. Madi always writes a note from the toothfairy, something she feels compelled to do. She put the money on Cali’s bear Pinky. Cali was excited to get it. More money to buy candy.

Kier arrived in Pana today. The girls were very excited, they have been preparing for her arrival for quite some time. Cali went to her friend’s house for pretty much the entire day. I rode my bike over there at 1:30 and they were just eating lunch. I said I’d come back in a bit so they could finish eating and playing.

Madi and I went to Spanish class. It was our teacher’s birthday today so sang happy birthday and presented her with a piece of cheesecake and a candle. The door to the little porch was locked, so we ended up climbing through a window to get there and climbing back into the school when class was finished. Madi was a little preoccupied today, her teacher thinks her mind was at the airport.

After Spanish class I went and had breakfast, returned the movie that was due on Sunday. Spoke for a while to a woman who was selling textiles. She was telling me about her 7 kids. She had the youngest one with her. Needless to say her daughter was adorable. She looked through my grocery bag and would have looked through my purse next if I would have let her. She was 2 years old and a bit of a monkey.

I came home and tracked Kier’s plane on the computer and saw that it had landed. I called the woman who was picking up Kier to let her know the flight was a half an hour early. It took them only a little over 2 hours to get to Pana. We’ve never made it that quickly before. Kier says she’s a safe driver, but a fast one. She totally surprised us when she walked through the door a little after 5pm and we expected her after 6pm. So awesome! We were so excited to see each other.

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Someone put some flowers on our door. I have no idea who did that (and if they got the correct house). We immediately set off for town, because it was still light. We walked from the bottom of Santander and up to the top, where Circus Bar is. Kier loves this place, she was bursting with happiness. The girls were all talking, listening, responding, simultaneously. It was a bit of a whirlwind.


Took some getting used to not being totally in charge of Cali’s safely. For the past month I’ve been holding her hand while we walk the streets or crossing the street, but now she was holding Kier’s hand. I like having another big responsible person around. It’s nice.

We showed her the new location of Solomon’s Porch, saw a couple of guys who go to her school. They were trying to repair an x-box. Then we went to Circus Bar and had a great meal. Then Saritas. We walked back down Santander, the girls were marveling at the stars, talking about the different constellations they recognized.


Circus Bar pizza
Circus Bar pizza

favorite vanilla milk shake at Saritas
favorite vanilla milk shake at Saritas


Kier didn’t unpack the hockeybag, but did present us with the most important presents like the Magic Jack (thank you Paul!!), ant traps, Mr. Noodles for Madi. The rest will have to happen tomorrow.

We presented Kier with her Pana survival kit. A cup for brushing her teeth, a little basket to put her socks and undies in on her shelf, a box for her pencils at school, keys for the house and bike, the phone. Now she’s all set.

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She stayed up and worked on her blog.


Feels great to have her down here, because she helps out so much with the girls and with the house. She’ll help with the cooking and with getting Madi to and from school. (big smile, mine)

Cali’s blog: Today I had lots and lots and lots of fun. I got 10Q from the toothfairy and a note. The toothfairy spelled my name wrong, but I suppose she has too much to remember. It was either that or she was using the Spanish spelling of my name. I spent the whole day at my friend’s house. When we got there we played house. After that we had a little snack which was lemonade and grilled cheese with jelly on it. They were very yummy, I’d never had that before. Her nanny was with us the whole day. Then my mom came to pick me up, and we were eating. So she said she would come back in 2 hours. Then we played dogs and cats. She didn’t want to make another bridge over the compost pit because she didn’t want to fall in again. Then we made perfume. We got rose petals and then we got a bucket of water. We dropped the petals in and pushed them around with a stick. Then you let them sit in the sun. After a while you put the petals and water in little bottles. The water gets pink and smells delicious. My friend gave me a bracelet. We did our nails with polish, but then we erased it because we just weren’t meant to do nails. Then we had real lunch or macaroni and cheese with cucumber with this really good sprinkly stuff that you can buy at Chalos. Kier is coming today. I’m so excited. I got a sunburn on the top of my back from playing at my friend’s house. Mom took her bike to go and get Madi from school and I rode on the back like a Guate-kid. That means no seat, no helmet, I’m sorry about that all of you who love me so much, especially my daddy. We are now waiting for Kiki. It’s a long wait. (later) She came early and I was so excited to see her because I love her so much. I held her hand all night and sat next to her at Circus Bar. We came home and I was very tired. I almost didn’t make it home I was so tired. Mom carried Pinky and her shoes so I wouldn’t be so heavy. Kier would have given me a piggy back ride, but she had blisters on her feet. P.S I love you all very very much, especially you daddy.

Madi’s blog: Today at school we gave my Spanish teacher cheesecake for her birthday. We had to climb through the window to get to our class because Dave had the key to the door. We started a new Literature class, I’m with two other guys. We are doing the book is The Wednesday Wars. I’m getting a lot of work done on my Africa project. We did three pages of research today. After school Cali and Mommy came to pick me up. I jogged home while Cali rode on the back of the bike. When I got home I swept the house, arranged upstairs some more, and made a welcome sign for Kier. Then Kier got here an hour sooner than we thought she would. Then we went to Circus Bar and I tried Bruschetta, but that didn’t work for me, even though it was kinda good. Then we went to Saritas and I got a scoop of chocolate ice cream. We walked home and were being really goofy together. It’s so much fun to have Kier back. Now it’s late and I need to go to bed.