Latin Quarter Apartment and Notre Dame

LatinQuarter, Paris

Day 122


Cloudy Fall days in Paris are the perfect time to walk around the city and take pictures. Since walking with no purpose or end destination is not one of the girls’ favorite pastimes, Paul and I set out to tour familiar parts of the city on foot.

ParisParis Paris

We walked along the Seine and saw Notre Dame.

LatinQuarter, Paris

Then we went to the Latin Quarter to see if we could find an apartment above a pub, which we rented the first time we came to Paris in 2007. We found it easily when we remembered how the girls were fascinated with these dragon fountains not far from the apartment. When Kier was small she stood out on the tiny balcony to watch the people walk on the street and go in and out of the pub below.

apartment we stayed in above the pub