Living in Town

Panajachel, Guatemala

I spent most of the day going around looking for lodging for us for the next two weeks. I saw a cheaper hotel, someone with a house that lives close to Cali’s school, then a hotel halfway down the main street. Decided on the one with the pool. The girls are totally pumped about that. Moved all of our stuff out of the house into the hotel. The girls went swimming late at night, once we moved in. It’s a nice way to finish up our trip here.

Still difficult to get to Jucanya. Lots of traffic to get there, still lots of rocks and mud on the road. The mayor ordered the tuks not to price gauge people if they have to go to Jucanya, and to only charge 5Q. The tuk drivers are promptly ignoring that directive, so they either won’t go or will charge you double. Supply and demand, I suppose.

Living in Guatemala

We are in the home stretch. (Updated months later). Cali begged me not to write on the blog about winding down to go home. She wanted to surprise her best friend by jumping out of her friend’s closet, which she did. Mission accomplished. Sometimes, the blog has to take the backseat to unusual requests.