Love the One (country) You’re With

If we had a travel song, it would have to be Love the One You’re With, by Crosby, Stills & Nash, but referring to countries. We have made our home in different countries for months or years at a time. Whether it’s a small village in the highlands of Guatemala, a town on the coast in Costa Rica, or Paris, France, we fully engage with the place we’ve chosen. The girls go to school, make friends, and embrace new parts of the culture we’re living in.

Travel has taught the girls to enjoy whatever setting they find themselves in. You could plunk them just about anywhere and they would maneuver the new setting, people, culture and not only make it work, but thrive and enjoy what it has to offer. Pretty amazing life skill, to learn how to make your own happiness wherever you find yourself.

When we moved from Canada to the States, the same was true. Before moving to the States, Cali had only gone to only Spanish or French schools. This was her first experience being taught in English. Now she’s enjoying a typical large American high school and all it has to offer. She was one of two Freshmen to make the varsity cheerleading team. From day one she has plugged in to the football games, basketball games, Homecoming, Spirit week, clubs, volunteering, everything American high schools are known for.

So for now, while we live in the United States, we are going to embrace all the good stuff it has to offer. And there is plenty of it. Loving the one you’re with just got super easy.