Mad at Jesus and Mattress Moving Mishap

Family Travel Guatemala

First, the real life functional tasks were completed like sweeping dead beetles out the door, getting coffee, laundry, buying cell phone minutes, groceries. applying AfterBite to 80% of my body and wrapping my hands in socks to keep from scratching. When that was done, I met up with a my friend, walked up to the market with her, bought some produce for me and for her. She was appreciative.

I went to pick up Cali earlier than usual, at her request. But when I got there, she said it was too early. They were making tortillas in her after school place, so I waited until they were done. We walked home eating the still warm tortillas.

Madi came home from school wearing a rainbow clown wig. They used it in Spanish class for some reason. She amused all the little kiddies on the walk home. It’s good that she is further perpetuating the myth/fact that gringos are crazy.

Kier had some friends over for the evening. After they watched their movie, they walked down to the lake. The moon was bright.

After the kids were in bed the women planned to take a dip in the hottub. I still have yet to do this even though they must invite me a few times a week to join them. But it’s still not meant to be. We ended up visiting a friend who wasn’t feeling well, she’d had a bad headache all day. My friend gave her a head and shoulder massage. We ended up eating there, relaxing, talking. The one woman’s son was signing up online to take the SATs so he can go to school in the States. We watched some Youtube stuff.

It was thundering earlier in the evening, but we never got rain, so I rode my bike home. When I was riding into town earlier in the evening there was a group of women moving a double mattress with a wheelbarrow. They were moving it down a narrow pathway. The mattress was perpendicular to the walls, filled the entire walkway, and was getting stuck. Just when I was wondering why they weren’t pushing it through with the mattress parallel to the walls, a man on a bicycle hit it from the other side. Somehow he didn’t see this mattress stretched across the callejon and smacked into it. Some irrate words were exchanged, no, were delivered to the women. Then he showed them how they could put the mattress parallell to the walls, and they proceeded that way. Not a bright shining moment of representation for our gender, I’m sorry to say.

Cali’s frog blog: Today I had lots and lots of fun. In the mornings we have been waiting for the tuk tuk sitting on the church stairs next to our house. But today when we were sitting there we heard crying inside the church. The crying didn’t stop. I think it’s because she got locked in the church, but my mom thought it was for a different reason. In English class, we don’t really study in that class. Since Jude and I know so much English, the teacher is now giving us books to read while she teaches the other kids. My friend says I’m rich, but I don’t know why she would say that. Her house is bigger than mine and she has way more clothes and toys than I have, at this house anyway. She has never seen my Canada house and all my stuff there, so I don’t know why she thinks I am rich. Another thing. I’m mad at Jesus today. He is in my class. I told him that I like him and not to tell anyone. He said he wouldn’t tell anyone, and then he said he liked my best friend, and then he told the WHOLE class that I liked him. Now why would he do that? I was mad at him and maybe I won’t ever like a boy again because they are the most annoying thing in the world. He even said he wouldn’t tell and he told EVERYONE. I’m finished with that, I tell you. I was hoping the boys would be different than they are in Canada, but they aren’t. They are annoying in all different languages. But I do love (another boy). Not in a love love kind of way, he is just amazing. He makes me laugh and does funny things like blow up and pop the bag his lunch came in, and other funny stuff like that. Today after school I went to the family’s house. Me and Jose had a water fight. We were squirting each other and running around the yard, up to the gate, in the tuk tuk, everywhere. The family has 5 new baby chicks that are teeny tiny. They are still in a bin so that we don’t step on them. If you try to pick one of them up, the mom will peck your hand, so good luck with that. Then my mom came early so I could do my homework and she bought me a Twix bar at PanaSuper. When I got home I made myself a cucumber salad with Adobo. That’s my favorite thing. P.S. I love you all very much, but you already know that.