Miami to Toronto Roadtrip

Florida Pan Handle

Day 86

We flew back to Miami to repack our bags and visit some family. We wouldn’t be back in that hemisphere for another 9 months, and also wanted to connect with our parents before pushing off again. We decided on a roadtrip half-loop that looked like this: Miami, New Orleans, Houston, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Waterloo, Toronto.

Roadtrips aren’t for everyone, but I love them. When I was a kid, it was the only way we traveled. Now, my family lives all over the place; three states, two countries, and one province.  Since the girls were small we’ve always done roadtrips to visit the extended family, it was the most economical way to make it happen.

Now, I love roadtrips even more. Last summer while Paul was forced to stay put in Canada waiting for his green card to be processed, I took the girls on an epic tour, driving every mile myself. Roadtrips are a forced timeout from the fast-paced world. You’re with the people you care about the most, able to have relaxed conversations for hours at a time. The girls read, catch up on sleep, share music. We’ve had the best conversations as a family on the open road. That’s why whenever someone suggests a roadtrip, I’m the first one all in.