Mountain Time and Laundry Presents

Cali woke up with more bites on her body. She was scratching like crazy. Kier will need to bring more After Bite down. We are going through it, and I can’t find it here. I slathered it on all her bites and sent her off to school. I don’t know if her bites are from fleas, spiders, bed bugs…ugh. I stripped the bed, put the mattress back in the plastic wrapper thing, taped it shut. I washed the pillow cases by hand and the mattress cover with bleach. I hung those outside to dry. I took the rest of the sheets and her pjs and took them to the laundrymat. I don’t have enough space on my laundry line to dry them all outside.

Spanish class was good, we have enough Spanish now that we can talk like a one year old Guatemalan infant. I’m hungry, I want cake.

After class I hiked down to the laundrymat with my stuff and a good book. I figured I would be there for a couple of hours, depending on the efficiency of the machines. I figured wrong. I got there and the woman looked at my stuff asked me if I wanted those washed in hot or cold, said to come back at 1 a.m. That will be 35Q. Apparently no one is touching those machines but her. Ok, got it. There was nothing left for me to do but get coffee and some breakfast. When I was half way down Santander I realized that Cali’s pj’s have these crazy silver sparkles on them and need some special instructions to dry. Oh well, I didn’t feel like walking back. No one likes a backseat launderer, so I left it. I had breakfast at El Deli. There tipico breakfast doesn’t not hold a candle to my regular place.


I went back at 1pm to pick up the laundry and it was immaculate. There was no wayit would have looked like that if I had done it (especially since Paul does ours at home, so I’m a bit clueless).  It was clean, folded, tied up in ribbons, sparkles in tact. That’s right, in ribbons. They were like perfect little laundry presents. The fitted sheet was folded as if it were a flat sheet, I was impressed. I can never fold those, they usually end up in a frustrated roll of sheet.

Cali came home without the fishy things, whatever they are. She didn’t seem too disappointed even though it’s all she could talk about yesterday.

Both girls had plenty of homework again. Madi helped me remake Cali’s bed. I hope the plastic covering won’t be too crunchy for her, but I’m sure she won’t mind if it keeps her bugfree. If she’s a bug buffet again tonight, I give up.

I went to the Galeria to see the art show. Honestly I had no idea there were that many expats here. There place is lousy with them. There were four artists included in the show.  There was nothing that took my breath away, which in some ways is always a relief. While I can ride a bike with a small bag of groceries, I doubt I can do so while balancing a piece of art. The girls were more interested in watching cartoons since it was the first time since the weekend they’ve had time to do so.

Cali’s Frog Blog: Today I had lots and lot and lots fun, because I had fun homework to do. I had to make an album. But let me start at the beginning of my day. Today I had the usual for breakfast, an English muffin with peanut butter. Then I went to school in the tuk tuk. When I got to school my friend is always the first one at school. I always walk straight to class. The funny part is that no one understands what we are saying to each other. I had only one normal class and then I had science. In science I got 100% in my work. I drew a skeleton and got another 100% on that. I worked very hard at that. After science we ate. I’m finally done eating all my pizzas, so now I can have turkey sandwiches for lunch. I had just the right amount of lunch today, one sandwich, some corn treats and two cookies. Right when I finished the teacher said, “Tiempo.” My friend and I went outside before anyone else. We didn’t play lava monster today, we played vampire. Don’t worry my two grandmas, we didn’t do anything bad, we were just having fun and nothing bad happened. Don’t get mad at me when you see me. After recess we went back for our mountain time. We go outside and go on the mountain to play. The teacher watches us while we play there. The ledge isn’t at the tippy top of the mountain where we play. It’s a safe ledge, and not at the top of the mountain. It’s a lot of fun. Word. After mountain time we had English. That’s when my friend and I changed the words to the Apples and Bananas song. I like to chop, spread, eat, apples and bananas. It has more steps in the song now. Then school was over and I went home in the tuk tuk. There are many tuk tuks waiting for us at the end of school. Some park on the street, some park in the driveway. If it’s the dad driving, he parks across the road and comes in and waits for me with the other parents. Jonathan likes to park in the driveway close to the gate, but he also comes in to pick me up. I had lots of itchy bites. The English teacher thinks I might have fleas. She asked if I have any dogs or cats. I said no, I only have a bunny back home. She said it shouldn’t be fleas. When I got home my bed was all taken apart. Everything was getting washed. I had a shower with lots of different smelly soaps so that I don’t smell yummy to any bugs. But I have lots of bites all over me. My homework is very exciting tonight. I have to make an album with nice words in it like, “Hello,” “How old are you,” “Where do you live.” Every night I love my homework here and I work on it all evening because it is very special to me. Madi and I don’t have any time to watch tv when school is on because we both have homework from all evening except for eating and washing feet, oh and brushing teeth. That’s all for tonight. P.S. Daddy, tell Miram the place where the blog is so that she can read it to my best friend. I love you all very much.

Madi’s Day: Today was the birthday of someone in my school. She brought in applecrisp. We played a game. We each had to have different character traits and other people had to guess what those were. Some of the traits were, monkey eating lice, cowboy, drunk dude, shopoholic, bad-breathophobic, germ-o-phobe, and invisible. We did some language arts stuff. After school, we ate buttered noodles for supper, and I finished my homework so that I could watch the new episode of Grey’s Anatomy and Private Practice. I love my school. On Saturday we are going to Avatar, I can hardly wait!!