Movie Night in a Library/Cafe/Bar

Paris movie theater

Day 125

Paris move theater

No matter where we live, we try to find cinemas that show first run movies in English. The girls wanted to see Scorched Trials, so we set out for a theater that shows them in VO (version original). The American made movies unchanged and in English, with French subtitles. In Paris, there are many cinemas to choose from.

Paris movie theater

We took the metro to the UGC Cine, a huge monstrosity of a theater complex, 26 full-sized theaters in all. The building was a skyscraper in its own right. Inside it felt more like a library or a graduate student cafe. There was a bar and a cafe as if this were a place where young professionals hung out. A small groups of teens scooted outside after their movie left, and that was extent of full-voiced talking that we witnessed.

Paris cinema
empty theater

We went up two extremely long escalators and down a long corridor to find our theater, which was huge and except for two other Americans, totally empty. We weren’t able to finish our much too salty popcorn, but the Ha-agendas was the same, proving yes, there is a God.