My Sister on the Scene

I managed to arrange a shuttle for my sister and niece. I even gave the shuttle-guy a sign with my sister’s name on it in the hopes they will connect at the airport without any issues.

Paul and I went down to the Deli to have breakfast. We hung out there for a long time talking, sweet! Then we bought scotch for my brother, wine for Paul, a wine glass for Paul. With all the liquor treats tended to for now, we went about our day.

I went to get my hair cut. It was very relaxing. Her hair place is like getting your hair cut in a tropical garden, because…you are. Plants everywhere, open  to the sky. There was another woman there getting her legs bleached. Lots of interesting conversation between the three of us, which I can’t get into. Stuff that’s said at the hair salon stays in the hair salon. For an hour or so Paul dropped Cali off while he ran some errands. He picked her up later because she was hungry.

After I got my hair cut I walked up to the school because I was supposed to help run lines for the play because the director couldn’t be there. But when I got to the school the director could be there afterall, so I could see if my sister had arrived. She had, it was very exciting!! Hugs and more hugs.

Cali and her cousin went to get a big water on the cart, and treats at the store. They were happy to be reunited, and they both love it here.

We all walked to Circus Bar. Kier and Madi came from play practice and met us there. It was a fun meal, with no lull in the conversation.

After our meal, we walked over to the Porch. There were two college groups from the States who were also at the Porch. Must have been about 50 people packed in there, it looked like a frat party.

Kier hung out with her friends at the pool table. Then they went and watched a movie, hung out at one of their houses, and she came home later.

A bunch of my friend were there, people Mia also knows. So we sat around and talked or a while, it was a fun evening for everyone. The little girls ran and got ice cream next door.

Paul took Cali, Madi and their cousin since it was way past Cali’s bedtime and she had school the next day. I love not having to solo parent! Mia had been up for two days, making her way down here, so she was exhausted and eventually tuked home. I stayed for a while longer and listened to the band and talked with my friends.

I set up, for tomorrow, that Mia and I will go with a medical team out to one of the villages. I’m looking forward to that. I left Kier to come back later after she was finished hanging out with her friends.