Painting Platforms and PanaRock

Family Travel Guatemala

Today I spent most of the day with the two friends whose company I never tire of. First I went over to my one friend’s house, in the afternoon I went to my other friend’s house to help her sort some things in her garage. She has lots of stock that the volunteer teams bring to Guate. We finished a job we started before, sorting craft materials. We packed one bag full of stuff for two of the volunteers to take over to the reading room in Santiago tomorrow. Then we packed another bunch of craft materials for another guy to deliver to churches and schools in the area.

After that we painted a platform that needs to be used in a fundraiser on Saturday. That took the entire afternoon. The fundraiser is for the community play that the older girls are part of. Initially the directors of the play were going to charge a fee for kids to be in the play, but the parents refused to pay it. Plan B was to do this fundraiser. They have to be creative here, when raising money.

Then I picked up Cali and she went through some 2nd hand paka clothes, found a few things she liked. We made a donation. When we were walking home she saw an Indigenous woman nursing her baby. I didn’t realize she’d never seen a nursing baby before, she couldn’t believe it. I guess being the youngest, she hasn’t seen nursing, and women in Canada are crazy discrete about never showing any nipple. She only switched subjects when we came across some mating street dogs, which brought on a whole new set of questions I wasn’t in the mood to answer. I suppose she is the last one I’ll have to explain these things to.

Madi stayed home from school today because her head was hurting.

I did some costume sewing.

Living in Guatemala

Then later in the evening I went to PanaRock to meet my friends. Kier came with us, she likes to go with me there on Thursday nights. Then some of the women went to the hot tub, but I stayed with Kier and the others.