Pana Pics and Waterpark Prep

Family Travel Guatemala

I met my friend for breakfast, she’s good company. I’m always surprised what can happen in a couple of days if I don’t see her. During the time I’ve been here I’ve taken a lot of pictures for her. Either she doesn’t have a camera or she doesn’t use it. We spent the entire morning picking out pictures of her that she wanted and then sending them to her email. She was very excited to have the pictures. She is trying to put together a bit of a resume with pictures. I’ve taken pictures of a lot of the volunteer work we’ve done together, classes she teaches. I hope they’ll be useful to her as she continues to find more work.

I went to go see the new PanaSuper, it’s huge and in the middle of town. Crazy big for here, almost looks like a small American grocery store.

I went and bought my friend her birthday present for tomorrow. She loves saunas, so I got her six of those at the gym.

This is Madi in gym class.

Living in Guatemala
what a backdrop for gym class

Living in Guatemala

We also went shopping for food. Tomorrow our three families are going to the waterpark which is a few hours away. We’ve been planning this trip for about a month. We are staying in a hotel, then going to the waterpark on Saturday. We are pumped.

I went to PanaRock with my little gang. I’m counting down the Thursdays we get to hang out together. I will miss those evenings, for sure.