Picnics in Parc des Buttes Chaumont

Day 152

We`re usually in Paris in the summer, so we`re not surprised to see Parisiens spilling out into the parks to relax and picnic. But what I didn`t realize is how reluctant they are to stop picnicking. They`re so hardcore about enjoying the green spaces, they don`t seem to notice that it`s cold outside. We lived in Canada for 25 years, I`ve seen people who can handle their winter weather. But even Canadians know when to pack it up, start hibernating, and to picnic another year.

Parks have a magical quality, people relaxing, talking and laughing with each other, doing that wine thing that they do. During our walk in the park was saw three boys hurling down the hill on skateboards terrorizing the pedestrians, boy scout groups doing little nature projects in the woods, a young couple drinking wine on their cat carrier, with the cat inside.

The Parc des Buttes Chaumont has a unique mini gazebo looking structure at the top of a bluff, called the Temple de la Sibylle, which was designed after the Temple of Vesta in Tivoli, Italy. This park is the fifth largest one in the city and was created for Napolean III, and worth a visit. Take someone you love, some wine you love, and bundle up if it`s November.