Pet-free Gut and Madi on Mali

We got a call at 7:30 a.m. from our Spanish teacher that she couldn’t make our lesson. Couldn’t quite understand her explanation because she was speaking in a combination of Swedish, French, English, and Spanish–one disadvantage to knowing too many languages. When one is sick or tired or hungover, or whatever, it’s difficult to commit to one when you know so many languages. A problem I wish I had, the language part. I countered with a “yes” in all the languages I could muster, which I think confused her, so we said a quick goodbye.

Madi went to school early to finish her project, because she is still lovinnnn’ the school.  I decided to introduce Kier to the best hot chocolate in town. She told me about how much she loves her trapeze class. She had that amazing spark in her eye that a person gets when they discover something they love for the first time, so cool. Who would have guessed this is what she’d be doing in Guate. She also told me about the latest friend drama, both here and at home.

Madi has been having gut pains for a few weeks now and wanted me to get her checked for intestinal pets. After Kier and I finished the heavenly hot chocolate, I was so concerned about not leaving the plastic bag that contained the stool sample, that I forgot my jacket. I suppose if I was going to forget something in the restaurant it was more socially acceptable to leave a jacket as oppposed to a stool sample that was not in an air-tight bag (didn’t want to waste a precious Ziploc). I did retreive my jacket, so it all worked out. I admit I would have missed my Lulu Lemon.

I went up to the lab and submitted the sample. They still had the record of the various bugs Madi had three years ago. Impressive record keeping. I returned 45 minutes later to find out Madi is clear, no pets of any kind. When I told her she was relieved.

When Cali came home from visiting the family I asked her why she had her good school clothes on, because I sent some clothes for her to play in today. She told me she changed back into them before she came home, but that the mom was asking why she was changing clothes initially. When the mom figured out it was because Cali was getting her school clothes too dirty, she said she would wash them and return them tomorrow. Ok, that made me feel terrible. I hadn’t thought that one through. Didn’t mean to make a culture faux pas. I’ll try to smooth that one over tomorrow.

Laura asked if Cali could do a sleepover and I’m not sure about that one either. I’m about to make cultural gaffe number 2 of the day. I’m suggesting that they do it here, because I’m just not sure what the sleeping arrangements are over there. I thought they all slept in one room, but Cali says they have two more bedrooms upstairs, one for the girls and one for the boys. I wasn’t aware of that. But nonetheless, I’m more comfortable with them being here. Since Madi is having her friend sleepover Saturday night, might as well have a double. Really doesn’t matter if you have one or two girls over. So the weekend is shaping up to be a full one.

Kier made rice, black beans, and green beans for supper. She said she wants to cook more local foods instead of familiar pastas from home. It was yummy what she made. Madi, of course, wouldn’t eat any of it. She made her own food which was a grilled cheese sandwich and sliced tomatoes. At least I know the two older girls can independently feel themselves.

After supper I rode into town to retrieve my jacket (hopefully) and take Kier to dance practice. We met her teacher at the corner, so they shared a tuk into town. K had dance choreography for two hours and then salsa lessons for another two. After that she may hang out with her friends. Since Fridays are optional at our school (our girls go but most of the other kids don’t), the weekend begin on Thursday nights for the teens. There are live bands in most of the bars already on Thursday nights, and the bars are full.

Madi and I are happy to stay home and watch Greys Anatomy and eat sunflower seeds. Life’s small pleasures, no matter what country you’re in.

Cali was singing the “alabare” song with the church next door. It’s the first time I’ve recognized a song they’ve played.

Cali’s frog blog: Today I had lots and lots and lots of fun. At school we did comunicasion y languaje. We asked each other if we had brothers or sisters. Then in science we drew our skeletons on paper. That’s all we had time for. Then we had lunch. After that we had expresion artistica. We actually do nothing in that class that’s artistic, we actually just play a bunch of games. Today we played tag for art class.

Then we had English class and we made a clock that was so incredibly cute. We cut out a circle and if you wanted you could put ears on it. I put ears on mine and a face of a bear on it. Then we made squares on another piece of paper, colored them, wrote numbers up to 12, cut the squares out, then paste them in the right order on the clock face, then we put a metal thing in the nose, made pointy needles for it, then it was done. My clock hands broke, but it was still a cute clock. Then we practiced telling time. We’ll do more of that tomorrow.

Then it was the end of the day and I went over to the family’s house. The first thing we did was made tortillas. I’m getting to be really good at that. Then I watched tv with Laura, some movies. When we were done watching tv we had lunch, which was beans and tortillas. Then we watched tv some more. Then we played tag, but I tripped, scabbed my knee and my flip flop broke. They went to the store to buy matches so they could heat up the plastic and fix my shoe. That was nice. Laura and I made soup in a bucket. First we put water in a bucket, then we put sand in it, leaves, orange juice, lots of flour and some spikey things, acorns, more sand, and stirried with a broken broomstick. Then we chased the bunny and dipped his feet into the soup. She didn’t like that and so she ran away.

We did all of that soup making in the back of a Toyota truck that was parked in the backyard. The bunny’s bell fell off into the soup, so we had to get her another bell. This time mom sent clothes with me so I could change out of my school clothes, because I was wearing one of my best tops. But the mom asked why I was changing clothes. I didn’t know what to say, so I didn’t say anything. Then she asked if I was getting my clothes too dirty and I said yes. So before I left she changed my clothes and took the dirty ones to wash and give them back to me tomorrow. When I told my mom what had happened she felt bad. So now both the moms are feeling bad. But I think everyone will be ok tomorrow. Laura asked if I can have a sleepover. Mom thinks it’s better if she has one over here. So we will do that this weekend, I am so excited. I have to eat supper fast because it is past my bedtime because the church is playing. P.S. I love you all very much. Isn’t life beautiful.

Madi’s blog: Today is the day for my presentation at school about the country Mali. I went to school early to print off some things on the computer to finish my project. I was happy with my presentation, it went very well. Kier also had her debate about enviromental problems that have happened as a result of Walmart existing. I also made plans for the weekend for having a sleepover. I’m excited.