Pies, Presents, & Beaucoup de Vin

This year we had the pleasure of doing Christmas with Derek’s parents. We was wonderful having them here–we hope it becomes a new family tradition! On Christmas Eve the kids open their pjs so they can wear them on Christmas morning. Christmas morning starts with Madi making cinnamon buns.
Next are the stockings!


The award for enjoying your gift before you unwrap it goes to the pup-pup.The award for unabashedly reveling in the joy of your new present also goes to the pup.The most unique gift goes to Derek, who gave us bamboo marshmallow roasting sticks. The gift with the most bottles goes to Paul’s gift of a crap-top of French wines that I’ve been buying for months. The most appreciated gift related to a caffeine addiction goes to Derek’s family who gave us a Keurig coffee maker. Now when I’m up at 4:30 am, I don’t have drink Starbucks Fraps until Paul wakes up four hours later to make a pot of coffee.
The rest of the day was spent eating, playing the new games, sampling a fair bit of French wine, and enjoying each other’s company.
Only 364 days until Christmas!