Ramen and Wifi During Flight

Day 251, From Singapore to Brisbane, Australia

Before this week in Singapore none of us knew much about this small country. I’m still amazed what can be built in fifty years. Today we are flying to Brisbane, Australia for a 19 hour layover, then tomorrow we continue to Sydney. We will get a hotel for the night, do one thing in Brisbane and fly out in the evening. In general we try to fly later in the day so we aren’t rushed to get to the airport. The girls were saying how airports feel like a second home.


Today we have a seven hour flight on Emirates. The girls know which airlines have the best in flight entertainment, so they were excited. Emirates is also the only airline we’ve flown that offers ramen noodles anytime during the flight except during meal service. We always take advantage of that offer, sometimes a few times per flight. If the girls don’t like the meal, there are always noodles as a back-up.

In Costa Rica we had wifi on a shuttle van for the first time. Today is our first flight with free wifi during the entire trip. As far as our girls are concerned, with free entertainment, wifi, and ramen, Emirates is the airline to beat.