Sleeping in Airports

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Day 266, flying from Bali, Indonesia to Kuala Lumpur

We were all a bit sad to say good-bye to Bali, it was such a lovely, relaxing experience. But given the recent heightened travel warnings for Bali, we also felt it was good timing to move on. We had one last breakfast in the villa and after tea in the afternoon, we went to the airport. We flew to Kuala Lumpur for an overnight layover and will fly out tomorrow to Tokyo.

Kuala Lumpur

Callie took this of the Kuala Lumpur airport.

Kuala Lumpur

We’ve done a few overnight layovers before. We did one in Dubai, where Emirates comped the hotel along with its extensive international buffets. That was over the top, thanks. We’ve also done a couple where we went to hotels that may or may not have been right next to the airport, as the descriptions noted. I suppose it’s a matter of opinion, or the route the taxi driver chooses. In the KL airport there was another sleeping option I’ve haven’t seen before, two carpeted areas where people can curl up on the floor with their bags and sleep. Both rooms were packed with people, it looked like a human carpet. Maybe a bit too much togetherness for the teens and their dad, and after watching the ripples of coughing and snoring, also their mom.

We tried something we haven’t done before. We spent our overnight layover in a hotel connected to the airport. We never left the building. Incredibly convenient. Included was a lounge with 24 hour food and drink. These hotels let you pay by the hour past a certain base rate, so we stayed until noon. Drinks included beer and red bull, the important airport beverages. At midnight there were all kinds of soups available, and other interesting options. Downside of these airport rooms is the late night airport construction. Luckily the grinding and drilling didn’t last too long, and we slept well in our little family room. The girls love windowless caves and were able to sleep in.