Some Luke’s Coffee for a Gilmore Girls’ Anniversary

GilmoreFor the 16th anniversary of Gilmore Girls, 200 coffee shops all over the country were transformed into Luke’s Diners. What a clever advertising idea, Netflix. We’re all in!Gilmore

We’ve always been huge Gilmore Girls fans. We first started watching the series as a family when we went on ski trips. After a day on the slopes the girls would get in their pjs, we’d crowd on the sofa in front of the fire and watch episode after episode. There was even a little dance they invented to do in between episodes.GilmoreGilmore Girls was a rare series we could watch as a family and everyone would enjoy. Nothing like watching Lorelai and Rory going about their simple happy lives in Stars Hollow to make everyone feel all safe, happy, and hopeful that life is good. Thanks Gilmore Girls, for facilitating all those good times with our family, watching yours.