Swollen Foot and a No Show Tuk

Panajachel, Guatemala

Madi got up early to make cascarones (eggs filled with confetti). Since I couldn’t find any in the stores, she made her own confetti, colored the eggs, put paper towel over the top. That Guate creativity must be rubbing off on her–making something you are not able to buy. Apparently she was successful in ambushing all of her friends at school and one teacher. She was oh so pleased with herself.

Kier’s foot is still swollen, but it’s not getting worse. Can’t imagine what bit her to create that much swelling. A kid at school thinks it was either a large spider or a scorpion. I haven’t seen any scorpions in our house, but other people have talked about having them. I’ve only seen big ugly 3-D (as opposed to the flatter kind) of spider. For me it helps not to think about it too much.

The dogs were fighting in our Spanish class. Our teacher always has at least one dog that gets into our class, and he was fighting with the dog who lives downstairs. They were separated by an iron gate, but the racket they made was impressive.

I went to the used bookstore to trade in 5 books and get some new ones. At the Bus Stop book shop you can get half of what you paid for a book (bought at their store) to go towards your next purchase. It’s a great deal for me, especially considering the number of books I’m going through.

I met a woman who I knew last time and we talked for at least an hour or so. I caught up on the last three years. Her daughter is now in college in California. She reminded me that I never sent the birthday pictures I took at her daughter’s party three years ago. Just goes to show you those things should be done right away. I took some bd party pictures last week that I have also planned to get to someone. Need to stay on top of that.

On my way home from buying 20 apples, which I seem to be doing every other day, I bumped into the couple I met on Tuesday. They are from Austin and have settled here for good. They couldn’t find PanaSuper, so I showed them where it is. They were asking me all sorts of questions. I realized how much I can teach a rookie-Pana-person.

A bit of confusing getting Cali home from school today. 10 minutes after Cali should have been home I called the tuk tuk driver. He said his dad was picking up Cali. Sometimes they are late, so I waited another 10 minutes. Then I called the school and a man answered the phone. I asked if Cali was at the school, he had no idea. Then the school called and said Cali was still there. I again called the tuk tuk guy (the teen), he was of no help. Obviously he didn’t have the tuk tuk. I took a different one up to the school. Cali was on the playground all by herself, she was fine. One of the teachers came out and said they were doing an afterschool program and someone noticed a little girl out on a swing. Cali said she didn’t go into the office because I’d told her to only call in emergencies and she was fine, she just didn’t have a way to get home. It wasn’t a big deal. Wow. The “don’t call unless it’s an emergency” are the instructions we leave with the kids when Paul and I go out on a date, because we think the girls should work things out on their own, if possible. I suppose Cali thought that applies to all situations and she kept saying it really wasn’t a big deal. So I told her if she isn’t getting picked up from school, she should go into the office. Apparently she went out to the street for a while and waited out there. She now knows never to do that again. We caught another tuk tuk and passed our guy sitting at the market waiting for business. I can only assume he totally forgot?? Don’t know. I do wish they were a bit more reliable, but I hesistate switching to another since I may run into that problem repeatedly.

I took Cali for ice cream, which makes anything better. Although frankly, she wasn’t phased at all. I suppose I should have gotten the ice cream, double scoop. We bought some baked goods treats at Sandras and took them up to the older two girls who have play practice tonight. Madi is pumped. She knows all her lines for the first two acts.

We stayed home for the evening. The girls have Monday and Tuesday off.