Tai Chi, Yoga, and the Princess Bride

Day 3, Summer in Asia ~ Columbia, MO

My inner clock is time zone savvy, and wakes me up at 5. Don’t know how to shut it off. Today at 5 am, I went to the 24-hour superstore and had the whole place to myself. Only the self-check out was open. It was weird to be in such a huge empty store. I kept looking over my shoulder for zombies.

Breakfast table at my dad’s. 

Later, at a more acceptable hour, we went to Tai Chi in a beautiful park, on the edge of a lake. The wind was blowing off the water and reminded me of the ocean breezes at home. There were about 50 loyal attendees in the class which runs 6 days a week. They were all experienced. They were working on the Cheng Man Ching 37 form. This was my first time. On average one of my limbs was in position while the other three were a hot mess.

This park also had a doggie run and swim area next to where we were doing our complicated slo-mo body forms. Since I am easily distracted by any and all dogs, this didn’t help my focus. I’d glance at some Labra-schnoodle-doodle for a prolonged second, look back, and the group had turned to face my direction. I froze awkwardly which put me even further behind on the “grasp sparrow’s neck sequence”. I decided I would like to learn Tai Chi, but without doggie distractions.

From there we hustled to a Yoga class that Sandy teaches. That was familiar to me and I enjoyed her class.

Cali has been to visit her grandpa numerous summers has done many of Sandy’s classes and swims with my dad. She enjoys the familiarity of these places and activities.

After the second class I was done, even though Sandy was teaching two more. Cali needed a few more items for the trip, so we went shopping for the rest of the afternoon.  Grabbed this tasty Mediterranean veggie sandwich at Panera.

In the evening we had fresh sushi and played three different card games. I wish there was a travel-sized Dutch Blitz, but alas.

My dad often gets packages from his siblings in Japan. Today he got a package from his brother, so we got to sample sweet potato cakelets that looked like cupcakes but had the texture of moshi.

When it started to get dark, we headed out to Rosa Music Park to watch The Princess Bride. There was a fantastic breeze all evening, a taco food truck on hand. It was the perfect weather and movie combination.