The Furthest Degree East

Sydney, Australia

Day 257, Sydney, Australia


We’re as far East as we’re going to go. Here is the tiny blue ribbon of water that is the end of our journey going this direction. We began our trip in Tamarindo, Costa Rica looking out west over the Pacific Ocean toward Australia. Now we are in Sydney, Australia, looking East toward Tamarindo. With only the ocean in between us, we are now ready to turn around and make our way back around the world.


As I’ve mentioned before, when we get to a location, Paul usually rents a bike or scooter. This week Paul’s two wheels of choice was a bicycle. Sydney has beautiful cycling paths. His favorite trails were the Pyrmont Bridge Trail and also the Greenway Trail which went to the airport where he watched planes take off and land. This makes him oh so very happy.

On the days when the girls are concentrating on homework, Paul and I always go out for breakfast. Here are his favorite two: A cronut or Bon0ffee pie.  I suppose either calls for a follow-up bike ride. I had the eggs since I was following up my breakfast with some couch sitting.

Sydney, AustraliaSydney

Here are some of the places he saw in the past couple of days.

australiaaustraliaAustraliaSydney, Australia